Stop the Paper Arrests – Know Your Reporting Requirements

What do we mean by “Paper Arrest?” We also call it a “Paper Felony” when some error or omission in your registration paperwork results in an arrest because of the inaccuracy of the data you reported to your Sheriff office and, in turn, reported to FDLE. That’s right… no contact, no repeat offense, no intentional crime….but rather an oversight on your

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NARSOL 2024 Conference Line-Up

The National Association for Rational Sex Offense Laws (NARSOL) will hold the 16th annual conference in Atlanta GA, June 20-23, 2024. As the NARSOL state affiliate for Florida, and for the first time ever, all FAC Board Directors are available this year to attend, together with several FAC members.  If you will be at the conference, send an email to

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FAC Weekly Update 2024-04-22 – Veterans Support Group

Dear Members and Advocates, Our focus this week is on the Veterans and their families.  Veterans, like any other demographic, can find themselves entangled in legal issues related to sexual misconduct. Here are a few potential reasons why veterans, specifically, might end up on the sex offender registry: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) or other mental health issues: Some veterans may struggle with mental health

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Women Forced to Register Speak Out on FAC Membership Call

Reminder-Florida Action Committee(FAC) Monthly Membership Call tonight Thu March 7 at 8pmET. Topic: Women Forced to Register are Speaking Out. Guests: Women’s group SHINE and their public speaking team called VOICES. To listen to these courageous women, call 319-527-3487 or text CALL ME to 319-527-3487 for callback to be connected at no charge. In 1980, U.S. President Jimmy Carter declared

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Autism Innocent Project: Decriminalize Developmental Disabilities

Florida Action Committee received a request from Decriminalize Developmental Disabilities (D3, formerly LRIDD) to share the Autism Innocent Project.  They are seeking mothers and fathers with autistic or intellectually disabled sons and daughter affected by the criminal justice system to participate in a “selfie” style video for an awareness campaign. Below are their instructions for submissions.  Email finished video or your questions to

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