FAC Weekly Update 2024-07-01-Support House for Elderly

Dear Members and Advocates,   Florida Action Committee (FAC) partners with several organizations for community support and education, but the one that has benefited FAC members the most is Justice Transitions, Inc (JT).  A small, charitable 501c3 organization, JT has been serving as the Outreach arm of FAC for years. They have been responding to the needs of FAC members

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FAC Weekly Update 2024-06-26 – FDLE Travel Survey

Dear Members and Advocates, We want to thank those who attended the 2024 NARSOL conference in Atlanta last week, and to those we watched the featured sessions on the livestream. Once again, it was a powerful, action-packed, three days of valuable information, networking, and planning with affiliates from across the US. During the conference, FAC held a special meeting to

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FAC Legal Team Survey – Has Your Sheriff Office Notified You of 3/27/2024 Changes?

The Legal team and attorneys on the Ex Post Facto I case need your help.   On March 27, 2024, Judge Hinkle in the Northern District Court of Florida issued an Order in the case of Harper vs. Glass (formerly known as Ex Post Facto II).  The order required FDLE to enable persons with the “Offender” designation to report temporary addresses for travel

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FAC Weekly Update 2024-06-17-NARSOL Conference 2024

Dear Members and Advocates, Every FAC member should be aware of NARSOL (the National Association for Rational Sex Offense Laws).  FAC is the Florida state organization that is aligned with the national efforts of NARSOL.  We have expressly agreed to be the Florida state affiliate for NARSOL in our mutual efforts to reform laws that impact Persons Forced to Register

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FAC Weekly Update 2024-06-09-Help Us Monitor 2025 Legislative Bills

Dear Members and Advocates, It is never too early to start planning your role in the 2025 Legislative session.  The Florida Senate has posted a schedule that shows the 2025 session will start on March 4 and is scheduled to end May 2. (Note: Sessions in even-numbered years start in January, while sessions in odd-numbered years start in March because of

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6/10/2024-LAST DAY to COMMENT-FAC Weekly Update 2024-06-02 -HUD Proposal Could Reduce Homeless-Comment Today!

Please note that the responses are due by June 10, 2024 Dear Members and Advocates, The number one problem that we hear, and experience, is finding stable housing for persons forced to register (PFR).  The lack of housing is a huge concern and we have the chance to make a significant change…TODAY! The Federal office of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) is

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FAC Weekly Update 2024-05-27-Registration Office Reports

Dear Members and Advocates, Memorial Day is like the unofficial start to summer break; families BBQ on the grill, the local pool announces its opening day, and retailers promote big sales. While everyone has the freedom to celebrate as they choose, Americans should also remember that this day as a somber occasion. Established during the Civil War, Memorial Day honors those

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FAC Weekly Update 2024-05-15- Read Your Orders

Dear Members and Advocates, On the May Monthly Membership call and in a recent post, we addressed “paper felonies” and strongly encouraged members to check their Registration paperwork for accuracy.  We have received loads of comments, emails and calls from members expressing their appreciation as they discovered and corrected errors and omissions in their paperwork that would have otherwise gone unnoticed

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FAC Weekly Update 2024-05-02-Stop Paper Arrests-Know Registry Requirements

Dear Members and Advocates, Have you heard the terms “Paper Arrest” or “Paper Felony?”  It is not likely that the general public knows what we are talking about because it only seems to apply to Persons Forced To Register (PFR). A Paper Arrest, or also called a Paper Felony, is when some error or omission in your registration paperwork results in an

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