CALL TO ACTION #3 for HB 1085 Moved to new committees: Infrastructure & Appropriations Subcommittee and Infrastructure Strategies Committee

This Call To Action has been superseded. Comments are now disabled. CLICK HERE FOR THE NEW CTA Major Concerns About This Bill: The bill states that all driver’s licenses and identification cards for people on the registry “shall have printed in the color red all information otherwise required to be printed on the front of the license or identification card.” HB 1085,

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CALL TO ACTION #2 for HB 1085 – Wording has been changed in HB 1085 and NOT for the better

This Call To Action has been superseded. Comments are now disabled. CLICK HERE FOR THE NEW CTA UPDATE: You can watch the session live HERE. HB 1085 is in the House Transportation & Modals Subcommittee where the wording has been changed. The original bill stated: “shall have all personal information printed on the front of the license or identification card in the

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Member Submission: A few FAQs on the process of removal from Florida Sex Offender Registry

FAC NOTE: The following was an article comment, posted by CherokeeJack, which was better suited as a post. So Not sure where to post this but a lot of people including me had questions and now I have the answers from the lawyer posted on FAC site, Ron Kleiner. After speaking with him, he gave me permission to discuss the

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The Registry Is Failing! Prevention and Education Are Needed

As evidence continues to mount on the failure of state sex offense registries, Louisiana continues to be in the news as its leaders are only seeing an increase in the amount of sex crimes committed against children. According to WAFB9 in Louisiana, “…one investigator (from the Attorney General’s office) described the fight (against sex crimes) as ‘a war the state

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