CALL TO ACTION #1 for SB 1252 — Red Lettering on Driver’s Licenses

This Call To Action has been superseded. Comments are now disabled. CLICK HERE FOR THE NEW CTA This is the Senate companion bill to HB 1085 that is also moving through the House committees. Now the Companion Bill is starting to move through the Senate committees.  Initially, the Senate version did not include the red lettering; however, it was recently

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Please help get Yoder’s article on Florida’s unhoused registrants out on Twitter

We have the opportunity to spread the valuable information that Steven Yoder wrote about in his recently published article in The Appeal:  “As Florida’s Unhoused Sex Offense Registrant Population Booms, Group Ask UN for Help.” For our members who have a Twitter account, please retweet Yoder’s article.  Here is a Tweet that he posted that can be retweeted: Yoder

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Registry Matters Podcast: Discussion of the Rhode Island Case

In 2015, many NARSOL supporters followed NARSOL’s participation in the Rhode Island residency restrictions case, and quite a few people contributed funds to help NARSOL support that very important case.  The road has been long, but they have at last prevailed. Many people follow and listen to the Registry Matters Podcast.  While not a NARSOL project, the podcast is one

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The Appeal: “As Florida’s Unhoused Sex Offense Registrant Population Booms, Group Asks UN for Help”, by Steven Yoder

Steven Yoder is to be applauded for his investigative reporting of the current situation for many people on the sex offense registry in South Florida. This past November, leaders of Fort Lauderdale, Florida, patted themselves on the back for the “good” job they were doing in fighting homelessness.  But what these leaders did not want to share with the public,

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Federal judge rules Rhode Island sex offense residency law is unconstitutional

A federal court ruled unconstitutional Rhode Island’s law that makes it a crime for certain sex offenders to reside within 1,000 feet of a school, saying the residency prohibition was unconstitutionally void for vagueness. ACLU of RI cooperating attorney Labinger said: “The Court’s decision is important to our clients and the class they represent, because it means that they will

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Let’s Help Steven Yoder Help Us – Report Incidents of Political Oppression

Steven Yoder, an investigative journalist who has had articles featured at our site, has done much to share with the public the truth about people on the sex offense registry and the punitive effects the draconian laws and ordinances have had on registrants. Yoder is now in the process of gathering data for future articles and needs our help.  He

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White House works to provide housing for all homeless veterans in Florida

Florida has the country’s second-largest veteran population, and the Biden administration is trying to keep those veterans from falling into homelessness.  At the same time, Florida has the third-highest homeless population for veterans and nonveterans in the country. The administration is trying to eliminate homelessness for veterans in 2023. Much of the work is being done by the Department of

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ACSOL President Catherine Carpenter Identifies, Analyzes Method to Win Court Cases

ACSOL President Catherine Carpenter, who is also an endowed law professor at Southwestern School of Law in Los Angeles, has identified and analyzed a method that can be used to win registrants’ cases in court.  That method, know as the irrebuttable presumption doctrine, shifts the burden of proof to governments when they make allegations such as that all registrants pose

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How Florida’s Bloated Registry Could Benefit Its Grant Applications

It has been thought by many people that the algorithm used to determine the federal funding for each state’s sex offense registry took into account the number of people who are on the registry.  In January of 2022, Florida Action Committee sent a letter to Attorney General Merrick B. Garland inquiring if this was the case for Florida’s bloated registry.

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