U.S. Senator Joni Ernst introduced a bill that blocks sex offenders from immigrating to the United States, and deports those convicted of sexual offenses.

U.S. Senator Joni Ernst, R-Iowa, introduced a bill on Wednesday that blocks sex offenders from immigrating to the United States, and deports those convicted of sexual offenses. The “BE GONE” Act, or the Better Enforcement of Grievous Offenses by un-Naturalized Emigrants Act – that would make “sexual assault and aggravated sexual violence” a disqualifying act for those seeking to immigrate to the U.S.—such

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SCOTUS Denies Cert in Louisiana Drivers’ License Case

This is good news! The US Supreme Court has denied Certiorari (refused to take up) an appeal from the State of Louisiana to their State Supreme Court’s Court decision that upheld a lower Court’s ruling that branding the licenses of persons required to register with “SEX OFFENDER”. In refusing to hear the case, the SCOTUS is effectively ruling that the

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Out of State Challenge

We have received several requests for updates on the Out of State Challenge that we announced was filed this past summer. Unfortunately, the Plaintiff in that case was saddled with the Statute of Limitations issue that previously hung up other Plaintiffs in the same challenge. Specifically, he was added to the Florida registry more than 4 years ago, and therefore

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Maryland Judge Kills Himself Moments Before Arrest for Child Sex Abuse

A Maryland judge killed himself on Friday morning, just as the feds showed up at his Henderson home to arrest him in a child sex abuse case. Caroline County Circuit Judge Jonathan Newell, 50, had been on a leave of absence since July after becoming ensnared in an investigation over allegations that he had a hidden camera that captured naked

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Judge Says Idaho Can’t Force 2 Men To Register As Sex Offenders For ‘Crimes Against Nature’

A federal judge said the state of Idaho has “no legitimate interest” in forcing two men to register as sex offenders for life due to the state’s “crime against nature” law and will bar officials from doing so. Idaho District Court Judge Lynn Winmill issued a preliminary injunction against the state Wednesday to prevent Randall Menges and an unnamed man

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Colorado’s Sex Offender Laws Create ‘Endless Punishment’: Critics

Critics of Colorado’s sex-offender registration system charge it demoralizes and endlessly punishes people who genuinely want to be better, reports the Denver Post. They claim the Sex Offender Management Board (SOMB), a 25 member group which sets rules for evaluation, treatment and monitoring of sex offenders, teaches offenders to see themselves as incurable monsters’ decades after their offenses at the

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Florida Youth Registration Story Collection

Juvenile Law Center is working on a report on the registration of youth as sex offenders in Florida. The report will address state registration law, county and municipal ordinances, and data on individuals required to register as youth in Florida. We are collecting stories from individuals who were or are required to register as sex offenders in Florida following either

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You are Encouraged to Attend Legislative Delegation Meetings

A Legislative Delegation is a nonpartisan group from the Florida Senate and House of Representatives who represent a specific area in Tallahassee.  Each Florida Senator and Representative of the Florida House are assigned to at least one Delegation.  Usually, their first meeting is a Planning meeting for organizing, scheduling and coordinating all delegation meetings, and developing the delegation’s legislative program

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Member Submissions

For many of our members, life feels hopeless on the registry and rightly so, but some of our members have survival tips that they would like to share with others.  These tips will possibly be of no help to some members, but for the sake of those who could benefit from reading how others have been able to improve their

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A Culture Without the Possibility of Redemption Is a Toxic Culture

We’ve reached a dangerous moment in our culture where we assume a frozen ideal, a state of arrested development, from which no growth or improvement are assumed possible. Because growth cannot happen without the necessary ingredients of redemption, forgiveness and self-forgiveness. If we’re not allowed to learn from our mistakes, atone for them, become better people, then we can grow

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