Should Colorado still use the term “sex offender”? A state board is considering new language.

Seeking to move away from labels that can work against a person’s rehabilitation, Colorado’s Sex Offender Management Board plans to vote Friday to replace the term “sex offender” in its own guiding principles. The board is considering several new terms, including clients, adults or individuals “who commit sexual offenses,” “who engage in sexually abusive behavior,” who are “in treatment for

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NY: Man sues after being detained following parole because of residency restrictions

A man in Dutchess County who’s been forced to register as a sex offender says the registry is unconstitutional and he’s suing to be removed from it. According to Inner City Press, Karl Pennington was arrested two decades ago for kidnapping a 17-year-old. Currently residing at the Fishkill Correctional Facility, Pennington says he was forced to register as a sex offender because

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When sex offender moved in, neighbors petitioned to force him out

Thousands of people have been convicted of sex crimes in New York state and those convicted of the most serious crimes appear on the public portion of the state’s Sex Offender Registry, which makes it easy for residents to look up the identities of sex offenders living in their neighborhoods. Frequently, the arrival of a sex offender causes disquiet among

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Plans for sex offenders in Ireland to face tougher laws

Plans for new legislation to strengthen the management and monitoring of sex offenders in the Republic of Ireland have been announced. Electronic tagging and a ban on convicted offenders having certain jobs would be introduced under the plans. The bill was announced by the Republic of Ireland’s Justice Minister Helen McEntee TD on Wednesday. Ms McEntee said the legislation would

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A couple of years ago we put up a post called “Halloween is behind us” which cited a 2008, Department of Justice research study that found Children are far more likely to be struck by a car on Halloween than be assaulted. As I do, in November of every year, I perform a quick post mortem on the holiday to

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ACSOL National Action Alert: Retired Military Registrants Denied Access to Military Bases – Were You Also Denied?

Two retired military registrants were denied access to military bases during the past seven days.  One of the registrants was denied access to a Marine base while the other was denied access to a Navy base.  The two registrants are retired from two different branches of the military — Air Force and Navy. Both attempted to access a military base

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Former “Predator Hunter” Receives Deferred Prosecution – Prosecutor believes in “second chances”

In a very ironic twist of fate, Kyle P. Swanson, the former head of Predator Hunters which baited individuals online and then outed them as sexual predators, was arrested several months ago for unlawful restraint and obstructing justice. On January 12, Swanson detained and threatened a man he “enticed” into his vehicle, and then tried to destroy evidence in the

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Ohio to Pay $17.5M to Convicted Child Sex Offender After Prison Guards Boasted About Paralyzing Him

“It feels good to know that I played a small part in paralyzing a cho, LMAO.” A convicted child sex offender in Ohio is to receive $17.5 million in compensation after prison guards left him paralyzed — and boasted about it afterwards. 21-year-old Seth XXXXXX was left in a wheelchair and unable to move from the chest down after he

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Squeaky Wheels Get the Grease

In a prior post we wrote that Florida Sheriffs are running out of creative names for their registrant compliance operations. But you have to give credit to Osceola County for coming up with one of the dumbest. According to the Sheriff’s website, “The Osceola County Sheriff’s Office, the United States Marshal Service, and the Florida Department of Law Enforcement conducted

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