CALL TO ACTION: Oppose Revisions to International Megan’s Law

Members and fellow advocates across the country. We MUST call the Members of the House Foreign Affairs Committee NOW and tell them to OPPOSE proposed changes to International Megan’s Law!!! Better yet, they should get rid of that do nothing legislation altogether. A markup will take place this Tuesday in the House Foreign Affairs Committee. Section 201 of H.R 6552 (new bill

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OUTCASTS Inside the community where hundreds of pedophiles live surrounded by gator-infested waters

HUNDREDS of sex offenders live in a 24-acre private, isolated community along a miles-long Florida road lined by gator-infested waters and surrounded by thousands of acres of sugar cane. The community has been self-described as a safe haven for sex offenders who need a place to live because of the state’s laws that requires anyone on the registry to live

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We Don’t Need New Laws for Faked Videos, We Already Have Them

Video editing technology hit a milestone this month. The new tech is being used to make porn. With easy-to-use software, pretty much anyone can seamlessly take the face of one real person (like a celebrity) and splice it onto the body of another (like a porn star), creating videos that lack the consent of multiple parties. People have already picked

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Tampa police requests extension on sex predator report to city council amid ‘clustering’ concerns

Tampa police are asking city leaders for more time to gather data and complete their study on the housing of sexual predators in the city, specifically Ybor City. The department was originally set to appear before the city council on Thursday and provide a report on the matter. Only three neighborhoods in Tampa meet the criteria that allow convicted sex

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The Dobbs Wire: Michigan: DOES III — mega-complaint filed today! – federal class action

A mega-complaint of nearly 200 pages kicks off another battle against the infernal Michigan sex offense registry – a federal class action lawsuit.   Best of luck to the fierce, tenacious litigators, Miriam Aukerman and Paul Reingold, and thanks to many others helping with this effort.  Associated Press has a report, have a look.  Further down is a link to the

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11th Circuit Says a Sheriff Violated the First Amendment by Posting Warning Signs on the Lawns of Registered Sex Offenders

Old news, but good article… Unfortunately, legislators typically show about as much judgment as Long when they target people convicted of sex offenses, who are hounded by myriad requirements and restrictions long after they have completed their sentences. Those policies, which include the registries themselves as well as residence restrictions and a panoply of occupational disqualifications, are likewise supposed to

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U.S. wants Canada to share travel information on convicted child sex offenders

The U.S. government says it’s frustrated that Ottawa refuses to routinely notify Washington when Canadians convicted of sexual offences against children travel to the United States, noting that it alerts Canada when the same class of American offenders are heading here. The Americans say Canada cites federal privacy law as the reason. RCMP Staff-Sergeant Alain Gagnon, manager of the National

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9-Year-Olds Are Being Forced to Register as Sex Offenders. That Might Finally Change.

It’s hard not to get emotional about child sexual abuse. The thought of anyone hurting a child in this way is so egregious that it’s no wonder society has thrown its support behind a robust criminal justice response, including lengthy prison sentences and the registration and public notification of people convicted of this type of sex crime. But what happens

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