Nursing home background-check bill sees strong opposition

A bill that would require long-term care facilities to check if prospective residents have a criminal history or are on the sex offender registry before they are admitted drew some heated opposition Wednesday from organizations representing providers and an advocate for abolishing the sex offender registry. At one point, Anwar and Cindy Prizio, executive director One Standard of Justice, an advocate

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Is the Sex Offender Registry Fair?

Sexual offenses are serious crimes. There is no doubt that the intentions behind creating the laws meant to punish and deter sex offenders were noble. However, according to opponents of the sex offender registration laws, such as Human Rights Watch, there is no proof that these laws achieved the purpose they were designed for. As a former sex crimes prosecutor,

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Homeless sex offenders arrested in December released, illustrates systemic issue, attorney says

Seven Brevard sex offenders arrested in December after their homeless camp was shutdown, were released from jail in January and February and their charges dismissed, court records show. They’ve all returned to the community but have lost their jobs and belongings. They are being housed in a Brevard hotel, according to the Florida sex offender registry. The men previously lived in a homeless camp set

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He Spent an Extra Two Years in Prison Because He Could Not Find a Place Where He Was Legally Allowed To Live

Since 2005, New York has prohibited people on “level three” of the state’s sex offender registry from living within 1,000 feet of a school. In New York City, as the above map shows, those “buffer zones” cover nearly all residential areas. Because the state requires registrants to find legally compliant housing before they leave prison, these restrictions mean they may

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Group pushes to take children off Minnesota’s Predatory Offender Registry

She never imagined her pursuit would lead to the creation of a list of more than 18,000 predatory offenders in Minnesota that could include children as young as 10 years old. “It was never intended to have 10-year-olds on the sex offender registry,” said Wetterling, whose son Jacob was abducted and murdered in 1989 when he was 11. “It would

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Motion for Reconsideration (of Dismissal of Vagueness Claim) filed in EPF II

As mentioned last month, the Ex Post Facto Plus II is moving forward. Some of the claims were dismissed, but others are proceeding. One of the claims that was dismissed was Vagueness. But the Statute is hopelessly vague when different people (including different employees of the FDLE) interpret meanings differently. As the Judge had to question the logic and meaning

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ALI Council Approves Most of Model Penal Code (Janice Bellucci)

Thanks to Janice Bellucci from ACSOL for sharing the following: ALI Council Approves Most of Model Penal Code The Council of the American Law Institute (ALI) has approved most of the model penal code (MPC) adopted by its members.  The Council’s approval took place during its meeting held this week following a decision in January to delay consideration of the

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