Bahamas may change legislation after sex offender dies

The Bahamas government says it is likely to re-examine the measures under which sex offenders are publicly released from prison after one man died in hospital a few days after his release. National Security Minister Wayne Munroe told reporters that an investigation has been launched into Scott’s death and warned that the public should refrain from issuing vigilante justice. He

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A sex offender kept his trailer park. Now his victim wants to limit where perpetrators live in Maine.

[FAC NOTE: This is actually a very balanced article. Might want to thank the journalist] “It’s common sense. Why would you have a sex offender own a trailer park with kids?” Daggett said. “It’s all about opportunity and power, and they gave him both.” So Daggett has been pushing for a state law that would establish zones near schools and

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Bill to stop “de platforming” declared unconstitutional

A recent Florida Bill signed into law (SB 7072) was declared by Governor Ron DeSantis to prevent “big tech” from silencing conservatives. The bill’s sponsor (and the lawmakers that voted to pass it) felt that the large social media giants, such as Twitter and Facebook were editing out certain political viewpoints, which violated the First Amendment. The premise was that

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LA: Member Submission: Bill creates commission to study best practices for deterring sex offenses against children.

A few days ago a bill was presented in the Louisiana legislature that “Creates a commission to study best practices for deterring sex offenses against children”.  I am attaching a pdf copy of the bill, along with the link to the Louisiana legislature website where it is referred.  There are some aspects in the bill that are disturbing and seem to

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OPINION Proposed sex offender registry legislation doesn’t make communities safer

House Bill 306 is before the Delaware State Legislature. For the 4,500-plus Delawareans who appear on the state Sex Offender Registry the proposed legislation changes the “Restrictions” designation on the front of their driver’s licenses from the current “Y” to “SO.” The bill retains the words “Sex Offender” that already appear on the back of licenses. HB306 proposes nothing to make

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UPDATED *AGAIN*: Matching Contribution Announced for 2022 Ex Post Facto Sustainer.

UPDATED: THIS POST HAS BEEN UPDATED BECAUSE A THIRD MEMBER HAS AGREED TO ADD ANOTHER $1000 TO THE MATCHING CONTRIBUTION!!! THREE very generous members HAVE agreed to kick-start a donation drive for our 2022 campaign to help sustain the expenses of the two Ex Post Facto Plus challenges (one in the Northern District of Florida and the other in the

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