Forty years after the Johnny Gosch disappearance, fear continues to fuel conspiracy theories

Though most crimes against children are committed by people the child knows, the Walsh case helped convince Americans that godless strangers posed the greatest risk. Walsh relayed unsourced, exaggerated statistics about the rates of missing and murdered children in testimony before the U.S. Congress in 1983, claiming the nation is “littered with mutilated, decapitated, raped, strangled children.” Walsh’s rhetoric, echoed

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Member Submission: letter to the mayor –

Hello Anthony Broadman, I write this email to urge you to allow a memorial to be raised for Donald Ray Surrett, Jr. not just because of his ultimate sacrifice but because a man’s redemption is possible in this politically charged world. I understand your concerns of this potential narrative because of a particular criminal past that was committed 30 years

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FAC sends letters to Sheriffs asking them to warn scam targets

FAC has sent letters to the Sheriffs of all 67 Counties in Florida, asking them to warn registrants of the scam targeting registrants across Florida and all states. FAC also calls on the affiliate organizations in each State, encouraging them to send a similar request to the registration offices in their States. Scams targeting people on the registry have been

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UPDATED: “Sex Offenders” are the new political grenade!

Want to try and blow up a political campaign? Try and toss a grenade. No, not a literal grenade – the small hand-thrown bomb – but a political grenade… an association with a “sex offender”. “Sex offenders” have become the latest ammunition political opponents like to toss at each other in order to damage an opponents campaign. In Florida’s gubernatorial

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Registration and the right to reputation.

The late Joseph Kent Brown wrote a law review article for Florida State University, in which he wrote, “of considerable importance in our society is the right of an individual to protect his or her reputation from false, irresponsible or malicious publications.” it was an article in which he weighed the First Amendment against a private individual’s reputational interest and

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Webinar: Guaranteeing Voting Rights to People with Felony Convictions

To kick off National Voting Rights Month, The Sentencing Project and the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers (NACDL) invite you to a discussion exploring how felony disenfranchisement policies impact individuals with a criminal conviction, the complexities of getting voting rights restored, and the cycle of criminalization some face as a result. Join us to learn from advocates who have

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Ron DeSantis’ First Voter Fraud Bust Is Quickly Imploding

The governor’s own administration greenlighted the defendants’ voter registration applications. Now it has arrested them for voting. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis made a spectacle out of the round of arrests made by his election police force earlier this month, jailing 20 people on charges of voter fraud and promising more prosecutions to come. At least one target was dragged to jail in his underwear

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