An all-too-common theme for politicians who are campaigning for an election

This all-too-common theme is to promote harsher laws for people with a sex offense all in the name of protecting our communities. Political leaders in Tallahassee, along with our Florida governor, have passed and signed into law Bill 537 that effectively removes the possibility of any gain time while incarcerated for people who have been charged with an “attempted” sex

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For Some Convicted Sex Offenders, Finishing Their Sentences Doesn’t Mean They Get To Go Home

The civil commitment fiasco gets covered in the publication Route Fifty: ”’There is no evidence that having these programs reduces sexual assaults,’ said [ACLU lawyer Ben] Wolf. ‘We have a good lab: Lots of states have these programs and lots don’t. There is no appreciable difference [in the number of sexual assaults reported]. If the goal is community safety, the

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VIDEO: Pennsylvania vs. Torsilieri Oral Arguments

“There is a difference between the conviction and the effect of the registry’s label of a ‘high risk of danger’ on individuals, particularly things like unemployment and joblessness, houselessness, depression, and even suicide are affected by the label. SORNA says that individuals on this registry pose a risk of sexual danger, not just at the time of conviction, but now

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FAC Affiliates in the Media: AZRSOL Demolishes “Frightening and High”

John Covert, with our affiliate, Arizonans for Rational Sex Offense Laws (AZRSOL), has published a guest column in the Arizona Capitol Times. In this column, John educates Arizona readers on the myth of “frightening and high,” how a Supreme Court decision perpetuates this myth, and the setbacks that this poor decision has caused. The Arizona Capitol Times, which has published

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