Victory in Supreme Court of Virginia against out-of-control prosecution

Justices declare effort targeting leading advocate illegal, ending 5-year court battle On Thursday, the highest court in Virginia ended the Commonwealth’s 13-year campaign to indefinitely detain a prominent advocate on criminal justice matters, Galen Baughman. In a victory for justice the Supreme Court ruled that the petition filed against Baughman in 2017 was illegal.  Baughman v. Commonwealth A Short History

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A follow-up to our in-person college post

Just before this post we posted another story about a NY political candidate who (as a ploy to get elected) has suggested a bill to prevent people who are required to register as a sex offender from attending college classes in person. (see: Sometimes we share a story about a proposed bill on something and it just seems to

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NY: Candidate seeks to end in-person college for people required to register as sex offenders

Dave Catalfamo, Republican candidate for state Assembly District 113, pledged on Tuesday that he would introduce legislation that would bar registered sex offenders from taking classes on college campuses. Catalfamo said during a phone interview on Tuesday that he does think sex offenders have a right to an education, though he thinks all sex offenders should not be permitted to

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‘You Have Utterly Failed.’ The Department of Justice Undercounted Nearly 1,000 Deaths in U.S. Prisons

he Justice Department undercounted nearly 1,000 deaths in prisons, jails, or during arrests during the last fiscal year, according to the results of a nearly year-long bipartisan investigation. The 10-month investigation, outlined in a Sept. 20 report released jointly by the Senate’s Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations and the Government Accountability Office, centered on whether the Justice Department (DOJ) has complied with

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Study: Long-Term Care Facilities’ Willingness to Accept Persons Convicted of Sexual Offending

Before I share the link to the study, I want to recognize the author, Stephanie Jerstad, who chose this topic for her graduate Dissertation in pursuit of her Doctor of Philosophy degree. The abstract is “a multi-pronged approach to examine the willingness of long-term care facilities (LTCF) to admit persons on the sex offender registry or with a sexual offense

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Study: An Analysis of SORNA Compliance and Attitudes Among Florida Sex Offenders

Registered sex offenders can find sex offender registration and notification (SORN) requirements disruptive to finding employment, housing, and cultivating social stigmatization that causes other difficulties. To further unpack these issues, the scope of challenges and reasons why certain registered individuals fail to comply with SORN standards were investigated. Toward this end, a survey was sent to the email addresses of

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