FAC Petition breaks 1,000 signatures!!! Please share it with others and lets get to 2,000!!!

Two days ago we posted a petition on Change.org asking the High Commissioner of Human Rights of the United Nations to investigate the United State’s sex offender registry for human rights violations. Our ask of the UN was to look into the onerous restrictions and requirements imposed by the registry and the debilitating shame caused by the public notification, and

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Why Is Texas Requiring a Guy Who Stole a Car To Register as a Sex Offender?

In 2014, Rohn M. Weatherly stole a neighbor’s car, in the back seat of which was the owner’s 4-year-old daughter. Weatherly returned the child within a few hours, but his act was dangerous, illegal, and worthy of punishment. What it wasn’t was a sex crime, yet Weatherly will be required to register as a sex offender upon his release from

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To download this press release, click the link below. Please share it with your local news outlets. FAC Press Release 11012022 – United Nations FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE BOYNTON BEACH, FL, November 1, 2022. The Florida Action Committee, Inc. (FAC), a 2,500 member non-profit public safety organization, wants the sex offender registry abolished. They have initiated a petition to the United

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40 sex offenders arrested in Hillsborough County ‘Halloween Operation’

Hillsborough County deputies rounded up 40 sex offenders during a “Halloween Operation” checking for compliance with their probation. In a Monday release, the Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office said deputies contacted 123 offenders in order to make sure they were following the rules. In total, 40 offenders were arrested, with deputies saying that 37 of them had violated their probation. SOURCE

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PA: Appeals court rules private housing development cannot bar sex offenders

A Pennsylvania appellate court ruled a private housing development does not have the right to entirely ban registered sex offenders from living within their community. The case has statewide implications because it marks the first time a state appellate court has addressed whether private homeowner communities must abide by state regulations that govern municipalities relating to sex offender residency. READ

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Guess who’s getting sued next? Public notice signs put up at homes of sexual predators in Nassau County ahead of Halloween

Public notice signs are up in neighborhoods across Nassau County warning people a sexual predator lives in the area and to not go near the home when asking for candy from neighbors. Leeper says the signs are a warning families should take seriously. As for people who are against the signs, he says they haven’t many complaints since they started

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Sheriff Tim Lane in Scott County, Iowa spreads misinformation about the registry

According to Sheriff Tim Lane in Scott County, Iowa, “The recidivism rate for sex offenders is actually lower than it is for other crimes.  I attribute that to the hard work of the Sheriff’s Department and the Iowa Department of Corrections.” https://qctimes.com/news/local/crime-and-courts/sex-offender-compliance-checks-net-10-arrests/article_f61d18b8-81a0-5e97-bd1f-27dbec4cbc9f.html I have copied and am mailing all 26 pages of “The effectiveness of Sex Offender Registration and Notification:

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