Canada: Supreme Court finds mandatory lifetime registration unconstitutional

Canada, like the US, has a sex offender registry. Unlike the US, theirs is not public and contains nowhere near (not even close) to the restrictions of SORNA or any State. Even with that, Canada’s Supreme Court was still offended by mandatory lifetime registration and declared it to be unconstitutional. The case is R. v. Ndhlovu, 2022 SCC 38. Canada

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MISLEADING TITLE: Nearly 100 Hudson Valley Sex Offenders Removed From New York Streets

The Westchester County District Attorney’s Office reports more than 80 registered and non-registered sex offenders on probation in Westchester County are required to attend the educational program at the Westchester County Courthouse on Monday, October 31 from 5:30 to 10 p.m. During the educational program, sex offenders will listen to what’s described as compelling stories of devastation committed on both

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Free Event: Envision National Prevention Conference November 8-9, 2022.

ENVISION is an annual conference that brings together diverse child advocates and organizations and empowers them to prevent child sexual abuse using a public health approach. ENVISION is held in partnership with Darkness to Light and the Moore Center for the Prevention of Child Sexual Abuse at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. Envision 2022 focuses on the

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NARSOL calls for end to sex offender registries

NARSOL calls for end to sex offender registries Cites overwhelming evidence of ineffectiveness after a quarter century Why do we have sex offender registries? Patty Wetterling, the mother of Jacob Wetterling, was largely responsible for the creation of such a registry in 1994 after Jacob was abducted in 1989. As early as 2007 she was questioning the wisdom of the

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Attention Louisiana Attorneys: Sue St. John Parrish Over Halloween Signs

The sign ordinance that was killed in Butts County, GA and by the 11th Circuit, as well as the subject of litigation in Jacksonville exists in other parts of the country. If there’s a Louisiana affiliate or a Louisiana attorney connected with the cause, please consider suing! see:

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Semen-sniffing dog used by British cops to help bust sex offenders

A semen-sniffing dog is working in the sex crime unit of a police department in England to help catch creeps and perverts, cops announced this week. The 1-year-old yellow Labrador, April, was trained to detect even tiny amounts of seminal fluid at crime scenes — and is better than traditional kits at extracting DNA, according to the Cheshire Police Department

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A Case for the Application of First Step Act Earned Time Credits to Offenses Related to the Possession of CP

The below was authored by an inmate in Federal Prison, serving a 17 year sentence for a first time offense, possession of child pornography. If you have a loved one who is incarcerated for a CP offense, this paper might be an interesting read for you and useful in advocating for the First Step Act to apply to them. A

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