Canada: P.E.I. has 199 people on the National Sex Offender Registry, but that number may drop

Since 2011, any Canadian who has been convicted of two or more sexual offences is automatically listed on the registry for life.  The Supreme Court has determined that is unconstitutional, saying the list should be based on an offender’s risk to reoffend. According to RCMP, there are 199 people on P.E.I. listed on the registry. They have to report to

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80% of unsheltered homeless in Ft. Lauderdale are on the sex offender registry

This is “Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Month” in the City of Fort Lauderdale, Florida. At the City’s Commission meeting held on November 1, 2022, Vice Mayor Ben Sorensen recognized the hard work of homeless outreach and services providers. Notably uninvited and unrecognized were the Florida Action Committee ( and the Sex Offender Housing Subcommittee of the Broward County Reentry Coalition

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At least one headline that’s not misleading (mostly)

Kudos to the Branson Tri-Lakes News for putting up a Halloween sex offender story that’s not misleading. The title is “No Branson sex offender Halloween violations involved children” Unlike most news outlets that would have tried some click bait with a misleading title such as “25% of sex offenders in Branson arrested for Halloween crimes”, they added some semblance of

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Justice Department Awards $20 Million to Help Register and Track Sex Offenders

The Office of Justice Programs’ Office of Sex Offender Sentencing, Monitoring, Apprehending, Registering, and Tracking today announced it has awarded approximately $20 million to help states, U.S. territories and tribal communities register and track sex offenders and protect Americans from sexual violence. The awards will help jurisdictions meet the requirements of the Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act, Title I

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FAC Initiates International Human Rights Complaint Against US’s Sex Offender Registry

The Florida Action Committee, Inc. has initiated a Complaint against the United States through the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights. The Complaint alleges the public sex offender registry constitutes cruel and degrading treatment in violation of Article 5 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Article 7 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. A

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UPDATED: ACSOL: Leader Frank Lindsay OFF Life Support

According to ACSOL, Frank is off life support and doing better! ACSOL leader Frank Lindsay has been placed on life support after being diagnosed with COVID. He was hospitalized on Tuesday after complaining that he was experiencing trouble breathing. “Please include Frank and his family in your thoughts and prayers,” asked ACSOL Executive Director Janice Bellucci. “It is possible although

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Gainesville – Final reading of Amended SORR scheduled. Please leave your comments (to the amendment).

Thanks to Kyle M: The time has come! The Gainesville City Commissioners will be meeting this Thursday November 17, 2022, for the second reading of the amended ordinance. Please click the link below to leave a public comment in support of the amendment. The agenda item number is N.2. Click the paperclip icon. The city mayor has indicated that there

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When reporting temporary or permanent address changes to the DHSMV…

Please reply with your response and the County (Florida only) in which this applies. When you report to the DHSMV (Driver’s license office) to notify of temporary (3 days in the aggregate) or permanent (3 consecutive days) address changes within Florida, (1) Do they require you pay a fee to report this information? (2) Do they require you obtain a

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ID: ACLU lawsuit over anti-sodomy law, use of sex offender registry settled

The state of Idaho settled an American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) lawsuit Thursday, challenging the state’s “Crime Against Nature” law that has historically been used to condemn and punish LGBT+ people,”. Last year a federal judge ruled the registration was unconstitutional and required the state to remove two of the three men from the registry. After the ruling, the state

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These “compliance” checks do nothing for the public, but A LOT for the police departments.

They came with cutesy names, such as “Operation Boo” or “Operation Watchful Eye”. They are sex offender compliance checks and multiple times per year, particularly around Halloween, law enforcement officers, usually in teams of half a dozen officers from different agencies including federal marshals, will pull up in front of the homes of persons forced to register as sex offenders,

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