The Sex Offender Registry Failed Them: 135 Chicago-area coaches sexually abused students over past decade.

According to an analysis by NBC 5 Investigates, 135 Chicago-area coaches have been sanctioned, suspended, disciplined or convicted of sexual abuse or misconduct since 2010, and the search is still ongoing! Experts cited in the article said coaching presents a “special opportunity” for grooming. The state’s legislature enacted the Illinois Sex Offender Registration Act. It’s purpose was “to create an

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Florida defendant to go back to the trial court in dismissed sex sting case.

Last week, Florida’s 2nd District Court of Appeals, remanded a lower court’s dismissal of a sting case back to the trial court. While the outcome (a dismissed ICAC sting case was reopened) wasn’t great, we’re getting a bit more attention to these stings and the rules of the game. Courts are beginning to notice what’s been going on and hopefully

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The Sex Offender Registry Failed Them: 4 Men Accused of Abusing 19 Minors

Pennsylvania’s Attorney General charged 4 religious leaders with the sexual abuse of 19 children. “Most of these defendants used their faith and church to gain access to their victims to build their trust, and then molested them,” PA AG Josh Shapiro said. “Some defendants only looked as far as their own families to commit their abuse.” Florida Action Committee notes

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The Sex Offender Registry Failed Them: Junior ROTC Cadets Sexually Assaulted

More than 33 Junior ROTC instructors have been criminally charged with sexual crimes against students during the past five years. The JROTC program is a partnership between the Defense Department, the military branches and high schools around the country meant to instill leadership skills and citizenship values in teenagers. Instead, the Defense Department and military branches have been instilling sexual

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The Sex Offender Registry Failed Them: Coach Recorded Students in Locker Room

A coach at a Rancho Cucamonga, California high school plead guilty to secretly recording more than 48 minor victims in the girl’s locker room of the school he worked in. Parents should be asking California lawmakers how the California Sex Offender Registry failed these students so miserably. The sex offender registry failed them because the coach was not a registered

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Weekend Homework: Help Educate the Public

If anyone has a few extra moments this weekend, we would greatly appreciate you printing off ten copies of the flyer promoting our petition and posting them at random places around your community. You can access the flyer here: Find places in your neighborhood where people frequent and see if there’s a community bulletin board or place where

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