City of Gainesville Rolls Back Sex Offender Residency Restrictions

Effective immediately, the City of Gainesville has rolled back it’s sex offender residency restriction to fall inline with the State’s law. The change, which reduces the exclusion zone from 2500 feet to 1000 feet, was unanimously voted in favor of by the City Commission, who did the right thing when faced with a lawsuit brought by a registrant who was

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The Registry Failed Them: Logan County Assistant DA Arrested for Child Porn

The Logan County, Oklahoma District Attorney’s Office should be a safe place. According to the state, “the mission of Oklahoma District Attorneys and their offices is to protect the public through proactively advocating as ministers of justice for public safety and welfare.” Among the tools Oklahomans use to prevent sexual crimes is the sex offender registry. The Logan County Sheriff’s

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It’s #givingtuesday! Please consider FAC in your generosity.

Today is “Giving Tuesday”, the day recognized as a “global generosity movement unleashing the power of people and organizations to transform their communities and the world”. If you were planning on participating in Giving Tuesday, we humbly ask that you consider the Florida Action Committee in your generosity. Our organization relies entirely on the donations and voluntary dues contributed by

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The Sex Offender Registry Failed Them: Warden of women’s prison on trial for sex crimes.

You would think the security of a federal prison would have protected women from sexual abuse, especially since the enactment of the Federal Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act (SORNA), but the sex offender registry failed dozens of inmates at the correctional institution in Dublin, California. Ray Garcia, the former warden of the federal facility, also known as the “rape

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TX: City refuses exception to SORR for terminal registrant.

An elderly bed-ridden registered sex offender will not be allowed to move in with relatives in a Montgomery County home for end-of-life care after Shenandoah city leaders declined to amend an ordinance that restricts residency. The daughter of the 79-year-old man sought a waiver to the ordinance adopted in 2018 which restricts registered sex offenders from living within 1,000 feet

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Falsely labeled a sex offender by Bureau of Prisons, Bronfman’s win upholds constitutional rights

On November 16th, after months of court proceedings against the Bureau of Prisons (BOP) and a series of cases that raise questions about government and prosecutorial overreach, Seagram’s heiress Clare Bronfman successfully won the removal of a false “sex offender” label from her Case #No. 3:22CV838 file. Ms. Bronfman spent over two years in a higher security prison than her

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A Florida Registrant Thanksgiving.

It’s the day before Thanksgiving. In years past I’d be packing right now, but this year and for the past 5 years or so, I’m not. Here’s why… Since I first started coming home from University, the Thanksgiving tradition always involved travel somewhere. It was such a joy seeing family and being together. But since Florida changed it’s reporting requirements

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The Sex Offender Registry Failed Them: 135 Chicago-area coaches sexually abused students over past decade.

According to an analysis by NBC 5 Investigates, 135 Chicago-area coaches have been sanctioned, suspended, disciplined or convicted of sexual abuse or misconduct since 2010, and the search is still ongoing! Experts cited in the article said coaching presents a “special opportunity” for grooming. The state’s legislature enacted the Illinois Sex Offender Registration Act. It’s purpose was “to create an

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