Legislators make a fix in the law to aid in prosecution of DeSantis’ voter fraud cases

We are all familiar with Governor DeSantis’ press conference in Fort Lauderdale on August 18, 2022, when he announced the arrest of 20 people on charges of voting illegally.  These 20 people had been convicted of murder or a felony sexual offense. The state had cleared these 20 individuals to join the voter rolls, and all were issued voter ID

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The sex offender registry failed them: Walton County school resource deputy charged with relationship with student

Despite the publicly available registry and the banishment zones in all Florida counties, the registry along with its 52 registry requirements and state/county/municipal laws have failed society again.  Why does it keep failing to protect society, particularly minors? In Walton County, FL, a Walton County Sheriff’s Office school resource deputy has been arrested after a victim came forward saying that

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Lifetime Registration for Florida Sex Offenders Isn’t ‘Custody’

The Eleventh Circuit has ruled that the requirement for lifetime registration is not “custody” for purposes of habeas corpus. The petitioner claimed that requiring registration and reporting after completing probation for a lewd or lascivious charge is illegal custody.   SOURCE (Behind a paywall) Full order: Eleventh Circuit Ruling – No. 21-12540 – D.C. Docket No. 217-cv-00396-JLB-NPM

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The Dobbs Wire: It’s a WIN in the Minnesota Supreme Court concerning Minnesota’s sex offense civil commitment program

A new ruling has come out of the Minnesota Supreme Court concerning Minnesota’s sex offense civil commitment program.  The case was filed concerning the delays by which the state consumes constitutional and human rights to liberty, along with the lives of those locked up in Minnesota’s commitment center. CBS News Minnesota has covered the story. Court’s decision in McDeid v.

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ACSOL proposes seven changes to the California Sex Offender Management Board

In a presentation this week, ACSOL Executive Director Janice Bellucci proposed seven changes to the California Sex Offender Management Board (CASOMB), which would involve certain tier placements and petitions for registry removal, and allow registrants to view their profiles posted on the Megan’s Law website. During the presentation, Bellucci invited CASOMB to join ACSOL and other organizations as an ally

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A Federal Judge Says the DOJ’s Sex Offender Registration Rules Violate Due Process by Requiring the Impossible

The U.S. Department of Justice has threatened to prosecute people for failing to register even when their state no longer requires nor allows them to do so. According to Reason.com, “Someone who fails to meet these requirements and travels outside his state can be charged with a federal crime punishable by up to 10 years in prison.  At trial, the

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TX: scam targeting sex offenders

Scammers are focusing on a new vulnerable population — sex offenders. Beaumont Police Department spokesperson Carol Riley said the department has seen seven cases of attempted or completed scams on area sex offenders. “A lot of their information and registration (as a sex offender) is public,” Riley said. That makes them an easy target for those looking to profit off

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IL: People with sex and gun convictions are required to register with police. CPD can’t keep up.

Thousands of people in Chicago are on a criminal conviction registry, including registries for gun crimes, sex offenses and murder and violence against youth. People on the registry have to show up yearly, quarterly or weekly or risk getting locked-up. But WBEZ has found men are repeatedly being turned away because of staffing shortages in the Chicago Police Department’s registry

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