Tennessee’s Representative Bryan Richey stated that 32% of people on the sex offender registry commit repeat offenses

FAC does not put out calls to action for legislation outside of Florida, but for our members who have difficulty with false information being given by politicians to force bad legislation into law, The Tennessee Conservative article containing this falsehood is allowing for comments—no registering for an account is required.   Please be courteous if you choose to communicate with

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It’s time for a new direction in sexual offense policy

By John Covert First published in the Arizona Capitol Times   John Covert does an excellent job of showing how sex offense registries have thoroughly missed the mark. Numerous academic studies have shown that registries do not accomplish what they were intended to do:  reduce sexual recidivism.  As Covert points out, “They (sex offense registries) do not prevent sex offenses. 

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UPDATE 1-CALL TO ACTION: Volusia County Drafting Ordinance To Expand Residency Restriction to 1,500 Feet in the Unincorporated Parts of Volusia County for People Classified as a Sexual Predator

UPDATE 7/10/2023 – This item was removed from the County Commission Meeting Agenda for 7/11/2023.  We understand that Commissioner Danny Robins and County Attorney Russ Brown are calling for additional research. Please continue to send research studies and your opposition letters to the commissioners and county attorney (contact info below). Next Volusia County Commission Meeting is August 1. Major Concerns:

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The Sex Offender Registry Fails Again: Sextortion Crimes Continue to Rise Across Tampa Bay Area

ABC Action News for Tampa Bay reports that sextortion crimes targeting children are up by 67% in the past year. And similar crimes against adults are up by 47%. We note that this increase took place during a time when Florida had in place, the most robust, most draconian sex offender registration scheme it has ever had, viewed by some

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VIDEO: Volusia County Council Considering Banishment Ordinances for People on the Sex Offender Registry

The Volusia County Council members were considering drafting an ordinance that would expand the state’s residency restriction requirement from 1000 feet to 1500 feet for all people on the sex offender registry.   Additionally, they wanted an ordinance that would make it illegal for any adult who was unaccompanied by a minor to enter a county playground area. Fortunately, there were

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Client Evaluations of Sex-Offender Therapy

Most research dealing with the effectiveness of sex-offender therapy has been quantitative, mainly looking at the sexual recidivism rates “as the primary measure of successful outcomes in criminal rehabilitation, while other indicators of client improvement and well-being have been ignored” (Levenson et al., 2020; National Academies of Sciences & Medicine, 2022).  Much of the qualitative research on sex-offender treatment appears

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Research Debunks Stranger-Danger Myth

In Bacon’s Rebellion blog, June 18, 2023, Dick Hall-Sizemore expressed surprise that the Crime in Virginia 2022 report, page 21, found that “the relationship of the offender to the victim in forcible sex offenses in 2022” was known by the victim 91% of the time. Approximately 93% of minors know their perpetrator, thereby debunking the stranger-danger myth.  The offenders are

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CALL TO ACTION: Stop Volusia County Council from expanding residency restrictions

Major Concerns: According to the Daytona Times, the Volusia County Council could be proposing at its June 20 meeting at 4 pm an ordinance to be drafted that would expand the residency distance requirements in the unincorporated parts of the county beyond the state’s 1,000 feet from any school, child care facility, park or playground. The Council could also consider

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NY Court of Appeals: Release Condition Excluding Certain Sex Offenders from School Zones is Not Punishment

New York’s highest state court has upheld the retroactive imposition of school exclusion zones as a condition of parole, release, or post release supervision of certain sex offenders. New York state law has mandated a release condition that certain supervised sex offenders— those with child victims— refrain from knowingly enter school grounds or child care grounds while serving their sentence.

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