Federal Appeals Court upholds NC sex offender registration law

“The 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals has upheld North Carolina’s sex offender registration law.”  (The Carolina Journal, “Federal Appeals Court upholds NC sex offender registration law,” August 9, 2024) “Two nonprofit groups had challenged the law in federal court as violating offenders’ constitutional right against ex post facto punishment.” “A unanimous three-judge appellate panel agreed with a trial court

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A Voice, If You Can Keep It

By Guy Padraic Hamilton-Smith August 14, 2024   In bringing a First Amendment lawsuit challenging Kentucky’s newly-passed law prohibiting anonymous speech on social media platforms by some people with past sex-related convictions, I anticipated that the media would likely want to focus on my own story, and my own past.  I’ve written before about my own arrest in 2006, and my

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11th Circuit weighs in on draconian AL law

Paul Dubbling, an outstanding attorney with whom NARSOL works, is representing a Person Forced to Register (PFR) in Alabama who simply wants to live under the same roof as his young son. Alabama Code §15-20A-11(d)(4) states: “No adult sex offender shall reside or conduct an overnight visit with a minor,” including the offender’s own children if “the adult sex offender

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NARSOL’s letter to the MI media

By Sandy Rozek, Communications Director for NARSOL First published at narsol.org. A letter, such as this one emailed to 48 Michigan media outlets, is just one of the many reasons that I belong to and support NARSOL. Rozek says that NARSOL (National Association for Rational Sexual Offense Laws) “advocates on a national level for laws based on facts and evidence

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Louisiana’s surgical castration law proves to be controversial

The Economic Times states, “Louisiana now joins the Czech Republic, Nigeria, and Madagascar in having this law.” Senator Regina Barrow, who introduced the bill, says, “…the possibility of losing a body part could discourage those who abuse children.”  But for some Louisiana lawmakers, the original intent of the law was to counteract the strict abortion law that Louisiana passed earlier:

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Member Submission – Lessons learned? I believe I was the target of a police sting

Originally published at narsol.org   By Atwo Zee, Registered Traveler . . . Not long after I returned to Iowa after the 2024 NARSOL conference in Atlanta, I received an email forwarded by the national NARSOL office.  This message came to them on their main “Contact Us” email address, and whoever sent it was looking specifically for me, “whose story

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Michigan Supreme Court decision on nonsexual offenses and the SO registry

In Florida, kidnapping or false imprisonment of a minor can land a person on the Florida sex offense registry, even though a sex crime was not committed. The Michigan Supreme Court says that such a placement on the registry is unconstitutional.  It is cruel or unusual punishment, barred by the Michigan Constitution. According to the ACLU of Michigan, there are

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Naming and shaming doesn’t keep women safe

Australia has found that research shows that public sex offender registries, which make people convicted of a sex offense visible to the public, are not working—same results found in the U.S.  Go figure! Haley Boxall with Phys.org says, “This is because name-and-shame campaigns stigmatize, ostracize and demonize their targets, effectively ‘othering’ them within the community.  However, community reintegration—where someone becomes

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