New FL law targets domineering HOAs

Governor Ron DeSantis signed into law a bill that prevents HOAs from banning contractors and workers from the homeowner’s property. Previously a Florida HOA learned that a particular contractor was on the sex offense registry; he was banned by the HOA from doing work as a contractor in the entire community.  This contractor lost several valuable customers because of this

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Surgical castration bill passes in Louisiana

Child sex offenders convicted of aggravated rape, aggravated incestuous crime or aggravated crime against nature with victims under age 13 would be forced to undergo surgery inside prisons. If Governor Jeff Landry signs the bill, Louisiana would become the first state in America to allow judges to order surgical castration for child sex offenders. According to Sandy Rozek with the

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Some CP cases will now be lowered to a misdemeanor in Germany

Germany has recognized that there are numerous problems with their minimum sentence guidelines for some CP cases.  There are people who have received CP involuntarily such as through a WhatsApp parents’ group.  Teachers have discovered CP material on “students’ cell phones and forwarded it to alert parents.” Germany’s cabinet is also considering young offenders who “tend to act out of

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Online reporting of in-state travel has been enabled in FDLE CCS

Reporting of in-state travel, by offenders only, has been enabled in the FDLE Cyber Communication System (CCS).  Thank you to our member who made us aware of the change.   “Online address reporting on this page may only be done in accordance with the decision by the United States District Court for the Northern District of Florida in Case No.

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Federal district court finds Alabama’s residency restrictions violate First Amendment

First published at Alliance for Constitutional Sex Offense Laws (ACSOL)   “According to the court, one part of the challenged residency restrictions adversely could affect the ability of registrants to attend church, participate in political events, visit family, and access public libraries.  Another part of the challenged restrictions could prohibit registrants from spending the night in a hospital emergency room

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Louisiana close to letting judges sentence “sex offenders” to surgical castration

The unthinkable could be soon happening in Louisiana:  Judges being allowed to sentence people who commit certain sex offenses to forced surgical castration.  This would also include women. Senate Bill 371 by Senator Regina Barrow was approved in the House of Representatives in a 74-24 vote.  It needs only the senators’ concurrence in the House floor amendments before it is

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Federal Appeals Court Identifies Parts of Tennessee’s Sex Offender Registry Law Potentially Unconstitutional

While a federal appeals court upheld Tennessee’s sex offense registry law, it acknowledged that restricting where people on the registry can live, work and travel is potentially unconstitutional.  The court said that the plaintiffs had not sued the right people, so the court cannot do anything about it. Additionally, the judges said that categorizing registrants as violent or non-violent sexual

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Update on Louisiana’s forced vasectomy and physical castration bills

Since our Call to Action went out on April 26, 2024, all movement seemed to have stopped for these two bills.   Besides our many FAC members who sent emails to the Louisiana legislators opposing these bills, there were organized groups from all over the country that participated in this email blitz. There was movement on May 15, 2024, with the

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