Appeals Court: Lifetime Ban on Felons’ Voting Rights is Cruel and Unusual Punishment

Mississippi’s lifetime voting ban for people with disqualifying felony convictions has been struck down in a new decision from the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit. The court ruled in the case of Hopkins v. Hosemann that by banning former offenders “from the body politic forever” they will be punished “beyond the term their culpability requires,” according

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Update: Revisions made to Hernando County Sex Offender and Sexual Predator Ordinance

The Hernando Sun ran an article on the changes in the Hernando County SO Ordinance, all thanks to our two county coordinators there. County Commissioner John Allocco said the need for the changes was brought to his attention after he was contacted by several people who were seeking clarification so they did not run afoul of the ordinance. “They are just

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CALL TO ACTION: Hillsborough County and Pinellas County Probation Officers Sending People on Sex Offender Probation to Camps in Wooded Areas

Major Concerns: Probation officers in Hillsborough County and Pinellas County are sending people, who are on sex offender probation and have no place to live, to wooded areas to reside. The probation officers are telling the probationers to “go back there” (into the woods) and remain there until morning. The probation officers involved and the Florida Department of Corrections claim

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How two county coordinators were able to make changes for the better in their county sex offender ordinance

A Florida Action Committee county coordinator found out about the Hernando sex offender/predator ordinance on February 2, 2023, by reading the Hernando Sun, a local paper.  A Call to Action was posted by Florida Action Committee on February 5, 2023.   The following are just some of the proposals in the ordinance that was passed earlier this year: Would prohibit people

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Mississippians placed on sex offender registry for years for unconstitutional sodomy law

According to Mississippi Today, “Mississippi will have to pay more than $400,000 in attorneys’ fees after the attorney general’s office spent years defending a sodomy law that criminalizes oral and anal sex.” This law was ruled unconstitutional by the U.S. Supreme Court in 2003.  Yet, this law remained on the books in Mississippi with people being placed on the sex

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No, Chat Room Sting Operations Don’t Violate Wiretap Laws

Guy Hamilton-Smith says, “I think chat room sting operations are bad policing and bad policy. I think that the idea that they’re getting predators off the streets fundamentally misapprehends the nature of the online environment, the impact of the same on people’s psychology, and the ability of the police to leverage that with tactics that are functionally — if not

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Registries are totally ineffective at protecting the public from harm

By Sandy Rozek, board member and communications director for NARSOL NARSOL, the National Association for Rational Sexual Offense Laws, was the first to publish this article. In Raleigh, North Carolina, a 10-year-old girl was kidnapped and murdered by a registrant on the Illinois Sexual Offender Registry. We are all appalled at this heinous crime, but is the answer to add

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