Call to Action for Louisiana’s HB 166 (forced vasectomy) and SB 371 (forced surgical castration for females and males)

What you need to know about HB 166 and SB 371: Louisiana’s House Representative Delisha Boyd is the sponsor of HB 166 which states: “In addition to any other penalties provided by law, any person who is convicted of a sex offense as defined in R.S. 15:541 may be subject to a vasectomy procedure.” HB 166 has passed the Louisiana

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Minnesota’s Failed $110 Million Investment to Stop Sexual Violence

The Sex Offense Litigation and Policy Resource Center at Mitchell Hamline School of Law released its report on sex offense civil commitment and MSOP (Minnesota Sex Offender Program):  Sex Offense Civil Commitment – Minnesota’s Failed Investment and the $110 Million Opportunity to Stop Sexual Violence.  A broad coalition of people and organizations have stepped forward to support the report’s recommendations

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The sex offense registry is detrimental, particularly for juvenile offenders

“Most youth who exhibit problematic sexual behavior don’t need punishment.  They need help.”  (Salon, by Teresa Huizar, April 24, 2024) The public needs to start basing their decisions on the abundance of research we now have.  “Ninety-seven percent of children charged with sexual offenses never offend again…We should treat youth with these behaviors with the same nuance, care and attention

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FAC President Gail Colletta Says Louisiana’s Rep. Delisha Boyd’s Vasectomy Bill Is “State-Sanctioned Eugenics”

According to KXAN NBC in Austin Texas, Florida Action Committee President Gail Colletta has described Boyd’s bill as “state-sanctioned eugenics.”  Colletta says that “this bill, if enacted into law, would violate the United Nations Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, as it would mandate forced mutilation resulting in a permanent loss of an important

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Seventh Circuit considers challenges to Wisconsin sex offense laws

Dave Byrnes of the Courthouse News Service wrote that the Seventh Circuit panel heard two cases against Wisconsin’s sex offense laws.  In one case, two separate plaintiffs argued that the state laws were unjust.  In the second case, the three plaintiffs challenged the constitutionality of Wisconsin’s housing regulations for those labeled as sexually violent. SOURCE  

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African-American citizens of Louisiana need to know how Rep. Boyd is representing them

Recently we posted an article describing HB 166 that Representative Delisha Boyd is sponsoring in Louisiana—any person who is convicted of a sex offense as defined in R.S. 15:541 may be considered for a vasectomy. This bill passed the Louisiana House with 80 yeas and 12 nays.  It is now in the Senate. FAC’s mission deals only with registry matters

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