Australia: Paedophiles set to be named and shamed in public register
Paedophiles set to be named and shamed in public register that parents can easily check.
One political party has launched new plans to take a tougher stance on child sex abuse and to make the sex offenders register public, but it will only happen if they win the next election.
How many adults are put off by pedophilia, but sat down and watched Toddler’s N Tiaras thinking it was cute? Is that in their tiny mind being attracted to children? How about those who flipped through ads and saw a young kid in a swimsuit thinking oh they are cute. If a person can’t define a word I don’t waste my time arguing with stupid.
Do the bureaucrats even know what a pedophile is? Just because someone molest a child doesn’t make that individual a pedophile. Pedophilia is an abnormal condition in which an adult has a strict sexual desire for children only. A one-time molestation does not make one a pedophile.
Capt and All Interested:
The Term Pedophile is A Medical Term/Medical Condition
It is Known as DSM-5 302.2 and A person Must Be Diagnosed This, Usually By a Panel of 3 Clinical Psychiatrists
Therefore, When The Media or Whomever Uses This Term is usually Using it in the Wrong Way….For Example, The Media will say the ‘X’ amount of Pedophiles were arrested for Non-Compliance…..Well, It highly unlikely that any other were Pedophiles: They are Former Felons!
For Example, They Called Epstein and Weinstein Pedophiles….They Are NOT….They Are Con-Artists, Manipulators, and Brain Washers!–Used Sex as Perversion!
My Mother use to help ex felons and one of the guys she was helping was labeled as a pedophile and a Predator. No doctor or specialist ruled that, just the judge.
So in medical terms you may be correct, but as far as legal terms, judges do whatever they please until a higher court corrects them. And we all know that is seldom. They can either side with the judge or just choose to “not hear the case or appeal”.
Reminds me of my ex wife. When she didn’t want to hear something I had to say she would do the annoying fingers in the ears and repeat “La la la la la” until I got mad and would leave for a few days at a time.
Small correction – pedophilia is sexual attraction to PREPUBESCENT children, regardless of whatever age the law of whatever state determines one an adult.
Notice how they didn’t mention the success of the western Australia model it copies in preventing new crime.
But to give some credit – at least they admit that one of the main reasons to implement is to shame.
At least Australian politicians openly admit that shaming is one of the objectives of a public registry. Legislatures and courts in the U.S. tiptoe around that issue because shaming is considered a traditional form of punishment. If we admit to shaming as a legislative goal, it would strengthen ex post facto registration arguments.
We have done just that many times and they just bury their heads in the sand and continually repeat “No, no, no it is not true, there is no place like home”. It is not that they don’t get it, it is they just don’t care, just like the honey badger.
Cherokee Jack
Now, now don’t be berating our honey badger now.
Sorry for the lack of clarity, Cherokee. I should have said “if they” rather than “if we.” I meant “we” to indicate the United States.
“It’S nOt MeAnT tO bE PuNiShMeNt” LOL
Further proof the entire registry is only a political tool for scroungy politicians in desperation.
Well now they are doing what many here do, call all sex offenses pedophiles. Also, they are just taking a page out of the book from the Divided states of America. Almost all countries copy what we do, in some way or fashion. And that isn’t always a good thing.
CherokeeJack… Even my sister had to be educated as to what the difference was. She was OMG I thought by watching the news they were one and the same. Her next question was.. So since there is no difference between a SP and SO, why does the news use both terms? I had to then educate her on the differences and how the news uses the terms intermittently to blend and blind the eyes of the viewership. She was again… OMG I didnt know. and I have been on the registry 22 years and fully open with my family about the details.
And this just gives a new twist to the term… DOWN UNDER.
“ why does the news use both terms? ”
My answer would have been two words: Fear sells.
Simple as that.
They say “pedophiles” but then guess who’s actually gonna end up on it; Age gap relationships where one is shy of the legal age. Kids who sext. People who streak. Couples getting caught doing it on the beach at night, etc, etc and etc. just like the American version.
Pedophilia is a clinical syndrome with specific diagnostic critera as outlined in the DSM-5. Like many medical/clinical terms such as schitzophrenia, it is misused in the common vernacular where it loses all meaning. In that context, the term has descended to the status of a mere dog whistle for the uneducated. Headshrinks will tell you that pedophilia is very rare. When I hear people using the term to describe registrants, I just shake my head.
P.S. Maestro is right. If it sizzles, it sells.