Attorneys file notice of supplemental authority in Florida internet identifier case.

The Florida Justice Institute and Weitzner & Jonas, attorneys for registrants on the Florida Sex Offender registry challenging a requirement that they register their “internet identifiers” and the websites they use them, regardless of whether they are on probation or not, have filed a “Notice of Supplemental Authority”, informing the Court of the recently decided US Supreme Court decision in Packingham vs. North Carolina, No. 15-1194, “in support of Plaintiffs’ pending Motion for Summary Judgement (DE 45) and Motion to Convert Preliminary Injunction to Permanent Injunction (DE 50).”

We still await the Court’s decision from the hearing on these two matters, held on April 10th.

We hope the Packingham decision will give the Court the support it needs to uphold the First Amendment rights of ALL CITIZENS!


7 thoughts on “Attorneys file notice of supplemental authority in Florida internet identifier case.

  • June 27, 2017

    How do we get them to take stuff off Is there an official form you use to request? I’m in a unique situation where I was actually able to win, so they just drummed up a new charged from the first case all over again. In any event, I’d still like the first case which was dismissed taken down, and if possible the second case which is still ongoing removed as well. Can both of these be done? Where do I start? Thanks!

  • June 23, 2017

    Good news, but many hurdles still to overcome. Just because the state can’t ban you from the interwebz, that does not mean that they can’t publish your name far and wide and effectively cause towers to ban you. . We still have the issue of Facebook banning registrants from there websites even though that appear to be in direct contravention of the very California law that their terms of service say is controlling. That is after a number of courts and now the SCOTUS has said that access to the internet AND social media is an essential part of the exercise of frees peach in the 21st Century. At what point will “private entities” that use the public infrastructure so to speak like heavily regulated communications systems, be held to the same standard as the government?

  • June 22, 2017

    Dear Fac,
    What court was this filed under and/or will be argued upon? Is it Federal? 11th ?

    I hope the attorneys argue Anonymous speech/Anonymity with the internet identifers. Which is covered in first amendment rights and has been ruled repeatedly as well as numerously cited in 1995 supreme Court ruling of McIntire Vs. Ohio elections commissions.

    • June 22, 2017

      Federal District Court for the Northern District of Florida.
      This is the case we’ve been working on for a year!

      • June 22, 2017

        Thank you, and excellent! I hope you guys eloquently kick ass!

  • June 22, 2017

    Good job! – I hope they get rid of the whole thing! The new restrictions and the old.


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