At least 181 K-12 educators charged with child sex crimes in first half of 2022

At least 181 K-12 educators, including four principals, were arrested on child sex-related crimes in the U.S. in the first six months of 2022, ranging from child pornography to raping students.

An analysis conducted by Fox News Digital looked at local news stories week by week featuring arrests of principals, teachers, substitute teachers and teachers’ aides on child sex-related crimes in school districts across the country. Arrests that weren’t publicized were not counted in the analysis, meaning the true number may well be higher.

The analysis found that at least 181 have been arrested between January 1 and June 30, which works out to exactly an arrest a day on average.


15 thoughts on “At least 181 K-12 educators charged with child sex crimes in first half of 2022

  • July 22, 2022

    I’m so glad the registry and all its restrictions and all the laws associated with sex crimes protected these kids from being sexually abused.
    Unfortunately, child exploitation and sexual assault will always be present in our society. No amount of laws, no registries is ever going to prevent ANYONE from committing a sexual crime against a kid or anyone else. The majority of people know the registries exist, yet people still commit acts that can place them on one. I won’t even go into how recidivism is astronomically low for one of us already on the registry. I think the main reason is because most of us were sentenced to prison and we never want to go back. I know that’s the case for me. It wasn’t a pleasant experience. I like my freedom. In fact, I cherish it. All I could think about while locked up was how much I missed the little things in life, like being outside after 9:00 pm, walking to the corner store for a Coke, eating what I want, when I want. So many other things people take for granted. But its not the only reason I’ll never do it again. Its because I grew the hell up and changed my way of thinking and now realize what I did was wrong, even though it was a consensual act. Prison changed me in so many ways and I’m not the 20 something year old idiot I once was. But being listed on the registry would never stop me or anyone else from reoffending. Its my conscience and remembering the price I paid that prevents me from reoffending.
    Registries are useless and a waste of money, and placing people on them does nothing to prevent future crimes. Its like closing the barn door after the horse escapes. We need to find ways to prevent sex crimes from happening in the first place, not perpetually punish those who have already served there sentences.


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