AP article says registry plays vital role in protecting public

It was most disturbing to find an article in a publication entitled “Wisconsin Law Journal”, stating, “But the registry also serves the vital role of helping to protect the public, especially our children, sex crime victims and the vulnerable.”  It is acknowledged, though, that some (should be many) registrants have learned their lesson and are working to reintegrate back into society.

What disturbs me the most is that this publication purports to be some sort of law journal.  At their website, stated is: “Essential reading for Wisconsin attorneys and judges.”  I hope those in the Wisconsin court system are not using this publication as their source of research-based facts.

Their comment section only allows for a very brief discussion – no room to include research.


8 thoughts on “AP article says registry plays vital role in protecting public

  • October 30, 2021

    FAC Media, I know you feel limited by the length of the comment box here. But remember that not every comment has to cite research to be impactful. I feel it may be more important to directly respond to the content of the article itself.

    For what it’s worth, here’s what I attempted to submit three times (slamming into an error message each time):

    The issue of where people can be placed using release is an important one. But the notion that “the registry serves the vital role of helping to protect the public” has long been debunked. It would be more accurate to state that the registry gives us a false sense of security.

    • October 30, 2021

      correction, “upon release”

    • October 31, 2021

      Although my comment got through the first time, it is currently awaiting moderation. BTW, the comment box size can be expanded just as it can on this site.

  • October 30, 2021

    It’s all political…Judges and law enforcement people are participants in the U.S. version of the WWII Wannsea conference. Legislators also are well represented in this ongoing conference. “evacuate” all the sex offenders from sensitive areas. Instead of ovens they use our U.S. version of Nuremburg laws.

  • October 30, 2021

    Perhaps the authors and/or editors can demonstrate the registry’s “vital protection role” by discussing one single crime that was prevented by it or a criminal investigation where the registry provided information about a suspect that wasn’t available anywhere else.

  • October 30, 2021

    I feel like we are focusing excessively on a single passage in an obscure out-of-state publication.

  • October 31, 2021

    does anyone know if monroe county, fl has any rules regarding registrants not on probation in relation to Halloween?

  • November 1, 2021

    Having your name and information listed on the internet keeps people safe huh? Interesting. I have a new neighbor that is harassing me and making threats against me and the cops won’t do anything about it. I’ve decided that I will write his name and address on a piece pf paper and staple it to the utility pole across the road for everyone to see, that way I’ll be safe. and it will prevent him from committing a crime against me.


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