Antigua: Sex offenders registry to be established
Attorney General Steadroy Benjamin says residents will soon be alerted when a sex offender moves into their neighborhood by the creation of a sex offenders registry.
The formulation of a registry was being discussed for a number of years.
Now, the AG says that once convicted, the names of all sexual offenders will be placed on a public registry from early next year.
How nice of big government to tell other sovereign nations that a person with a sex offense on their record is coming? How many crimes that lands one on the registry here is illegal in other countries? What business is it for the government to notify a country of someone’s travels when they don’t give notice for criminals? Our government needs to butt out of every aspect of one’s life. Bless Rep. Chris Smith’s heart for IML; which has nothing to do with what happened to Megan. He’s dirty than a bar’s floor during Happy Hour.
Please do not insult a bar’s floor by comparing it to Chris Smith LOL
Bar’s lives matter. Now buy me a beer and we can call it even. 🙂
Root beer and circus peanuts are in the cyber mail. I apologize to all bar floors for comparing you to Chris Smith.
Now Brandon I did not say that about a house divided unless the core is rotten. Guess the Government won the War between the states and side stepped court law. Sex laws so how many times does one pay with blood, sweat, and tears. Today one has to look at laws as a renovator and the American Public is a bit blindsided to “punishment of errors” in this he said she said or I’m home alone nonsense. Well I got them to text to come down and talk dirty to them. Call it discernment or whatever you’d like.
Even Washington chopped down the cherry tree. At times induced punishment is a bit much but when it comes right down to it you have to take a stand even in corrections to re-correct. Sure with this registry we all suffer in many ways with this vain type of justice system. Did they not protest the Vietnam war.
(Please use the comments section under this Newspaper Story in the St. John’s Observer- here’s mine):
The sex offense registry has been a complete failure here in the USA. Every single study that has been done by government and academia has clearly shown that the registry does nothing to prevent sexual violence. In fact, it may actually be exacerbating the problem.
Unlike most criminal recidivism percentages (which tend to be above 50%), sex offender recidivism is exceedingly low (at between 2 and 5 %).
Sex offender registries do nothing except to create a hated class of social lepers who are never able to reintegrate back into society. In many cases, these lepers are legislated into homelessness and poverty because of government restrictions on where they can live, and the extreme stigma of being on a publicly published government blacklist.
Hatred and revenge are not the way to stop sexual abuse.
Will this affect travel to Antigua for RSOs? It has been fine for us to visit the last 3 years