Another program that excludes certain subgroups

The Reading Eagle, a newspaper in Reading, Pennsylvania, recently published a seemingly positive editorial on how Reading is helping residents of correctional institutions transition to a successful life of freedom, thereby benefiting “us all”.

“In these divisive times, there is one area where people of all political persuasions should agree: People exiting the criminal justice system need opportunities to succeed.”  Is society better off with people who have a past sex offense also succeeding?

Berks County, Pennsylvania has a program set up to assist people with a past conviction in receiving help to obtain a pardon from the state.  The program is open to people who have completed their sentence and have not committed any criminal acts since release.

Why is Berks County doing this?  “One mistake has the potential to haunt you for the rest of your life,” says state Senator Judy Schwank.

This all sounds well thought out if it were not for the fact that people with a past sex offense are excluded.  Released murderers are NOT included in the list of exclusions.

Pennsylvania Board of Pardons Secretary Brandon Flood pointed out that people who do receive pardons are at a lower risk of re-offending.  Don’t we want people with a past sex offense, who already have a low sexual recidivism rate, to have an even lower rate?  Wouldn’t society be better off?

The Opinion Editor for this piece, Mark Nemirow, can be contacted at


4 thoughts on “Another program that excludes certain subgroups

  • November 14, 2021

    I couldn’t stand it. I had to email a comment to the paper. Sheeeesh!

    • November 14, 2021

      Thank you, Ed C. I also emailed the editor.

    • November 14, 2021

      This one is easu. Sex offenders have Not exited the criminal justice system.

      With all the registration rules it screams ” you will commit another crimee, so we will watch you”.

      • November 16, 2021

        easu crimee? sex offenders should be made to wear dunce caps.


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