ANOTHER Florida School Resource Officer investigated for sexual offense

Guys, I can’t make this stuff up. Another Florida School Resource Officer (a police officer assigned to work in a school) is in trouble this week for a child sex crime.

Just days after a school resource officer in Jacksonville was arrested, another officer in Altamonte Springs’ home was searched as part of a child pornography investigation. I literally had to reference our earlier posts to make sure this wasn’t the same incident before posting this, but it is not.  Second SRO in one week!

According to the National Association of School Resource Officers, “The school resource officer (SRO) is a carefully selected, specifically trained, and properly equipped full-time law enforcement officer with sworn law enforcement authority, trained in school-based law enforcement and crisis response, assigned by the employing law enforcement agency to work in the school using community-oriented policing concepts.”

So not only are these individuals police officers, but they are police officers “carefully selected” and “specifically selected” to work in schools!!! Not like the “other” police officers arrested this week for child sex crimes in Lantana and Nassau County.

Before anyone starts calling for the crucible, let’s take a step back… NO, we should not prevent law enforcement officers from entering schools, NO, certainly not all (and in fact a very small percentage – just like registrants) of SROs are doing wrong, and NO, the point of this article is not to further shame the officers who are accused or police in general. The ONLY reason we are sharing this information is to illustrate that the registry does not identify the dangers to our children and proximity ordinances do not isolate children from “the bad guys”. Children can be abused by anyone, anywhere, including police officers and even in their own school. In fact, children are far more likely to be abused by someone they know and are taught to trust and are far more likely to be abused where they live or go to school.

Abolish the registry and reallocate the wasted resources to education!

7 thoughts on “ANOTHER Florida School Resource Officer investigated for sexual offense

  • September 15, 2022

    Wasting money…taxpayer provided money…has become a trait of our government. Not to diminish sailors…but they spend like a drunken sailor.

  • September 15, 2022

    Maybe if they made it a crime that is punishable by, oh I don’t know… maybe a lifetime of registration that would deter these officers from doing such a thing because… wait… there already is one? Well shoot that doesn’t seem to work then does it?

    (please note the sarcasm here – it’s what keeps me going).

  • September 15, 2022

    “Reallocate wasted resources in education.” Politicians don’t want children to be educated, teachers to be paid a living wage, unsponsored food in schools, or more than rote testing. There is no way in our current environment that any legislator in the state of Flori-duh is going to take savings from any funding scheme and apply it to funding schools. They’ll spend millions to update the school structure. They’ll spend millions to rewrite textbooks to fit a narrative, but they will never use that money to expand wages. UNLESS those wages go toward administrative salaries, which have zero bottom line effect on teachers or students.

  • September 15, 2022

    Well said.

  • September 15, 2022

    The existence of these laws is to oppress the middle and lower classes. A whole different set of rules for different people. We had an officer up here in Pennsylvania who was caught receiving oral from a 14-year-old girl. They ruled he did not have to register. What a surprise, right? If things don’t change, this is all going to explode very soon. You can be placed on the registry just for peeing outside and then they will be quick to judge you for simply being on there without actually looking into your case.

  • September 15, 2022

    Why not conduct “child predator” stings to test police officers, just like they conduct them on adult hook up platforms? Doesn’t that make much more sense? It’s more likely to find those who are causing real harm to real children hiding behind a badge than it is to find them on adult hook up platforms or adult sex chat rooms.
    That’s just reality. 🤷🏻‍♀️

  • September 15, 2022

    Once again, I am extremely elated that the registry has protected children from danger and made the public safe from crime.


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