Anglican church informs parishioners of sex offender attendee after three years

Church of the Resurrection, an Anglican church that serves as a diocesan seat in Wheaton, Illinois, whose leaders have faced criticism for how they handled sexual abuse allegations, informed congregants Friday (Dec. 2) that a registered sex offender has been attending the church since 2019.

On Thursday, ACNAtoo, an anti-abuse advocacy group, published a post on its website alerting readers of Hays’ crimes and presence at Church of the Resurrection. A day later, Williamson’s email informed congregants that it “is not our policy to publicly inform the congregation of a parishioner’s past criminal actions” but that church leaders wished to address concerns that had been raised about Hays, whom Williamson referred to by first name only in the email.

According to the email, Hays was permitted to attend the church but was required to be accompanied by a chaperone selected by church leaders. He was allowed only in the church sanctuary and narthex and was specifically banned from church events “geared toward children.” Williamson’s email also asserts that “all pastors and children and youth staff” were made “aware of his identity, crimes, and the requirements of this policy.”


48 thoughts on “Anglican church informs parishioners of sex offender attendee after three years

  • December 7, 2022

    Time to find a new church. Or better yet, stop going to any of them.

    • December 7, 2022

      Amen to Ryan… Have church in your own home…..why would anyone subject themselves to such abuse is puzzling

  • December 7, 2022

    The church says “is not our policy to publicly inform the congregation of a parishioner’s past criminal actions” but we will out a member anyway in the name of concern. What concern???????????????

    • December 8, 2022

      Why don’t they out all all persons that have had DUI’s as they pose a “danger” of driving drunk and running over a child in the parking lot, or why not out persons with a theft charge because they may steal parishioner’s donations or their purse, etc., or property belonging to the church? Why don’t they? Because they are hypocrites. Most religious people I have met interpret the bible to their personal beliefs and why I am not a fan of religions. I can respect everyone’s personal beliefs but draw the line when they try to impose it on others. ,

  • December 7, 2022

    Anyone can comment on this article. No research was given to back up their statements — mainly because there is no such research.

    You do not need an account to comment on this one — comment as a guest. You also do not have to use your name.

    We need more comments to be made refuting the statements quoted in this article.

  • December 7, 2022

    When I came home from prison in 2013 I returned to the same church I’d been attending since the early 70’s, First Methodist Church of Melbourne.
    After a couple Sundays I was contacted by one of the ministers and told that we needed to talk. When I went to see them I was presented with a form, “Letter to Sexual Predator – Previously Charged” to sign before I could return to church.
    I responded with immediate phone calls and demanded a meeting with the ministers. I think this surprised them. They probably expected meek & mild compliance. Either that or that I would simply not want to return to the church.
    I had grown up there and many of my most ardent supporters from arrest in 2007 through release from prison in 2013 had been the people that had watched me grow up for almost 40 years. There was no way that I was going to let them chase me off.
    The original document was draconian as heck. I was basically straight jacketed and kept under a microscope every second I was there. Some major issues I addressed (there were MANY more) was being escorted from the moment I got out of my car in the parking lot through the entire time I was there (including the bathroom) and then returned to my car. The original document also gave them permission to contact anyone from my attorney to Probation officer to police to my judge, at any time and without necessary cause, to ask about me “in order to obtain information about you and to solicit their input as to how best to minister to you, to the congregation and the community.”
    They also would’ve had my “permission” to go straight to my PO or Law Enforcement if ANY questions or concerns were raised about me without notifying me first. That took away any potential opportunity to respond and resolve the any issues at the lowest level before they took on a life of their own.
    I went through the original document edited it, making major changes. They resisted this at first and attempted to use their status as “Ministers” to seem as though they were and had the final word in the whole matter. When I simply replied that I would like to step up to the District Superintendent and involve him and if it couldn’t be resolved at his level to go on to the Florida Conference headquarters In Lakeland to the Bishop they backed down and we were able to finally agree on a version that we could all sign.
    I attended regularly from 2013 until I moved to a new home in north Brevard county in 2016.
    Here is the complete text of the final signed document. I struck the names and numbers of my chaperones to respect their privacy.
    Letter to Sexual Offender – Previously Charged
    Dear Roger Mansfield,
    It has come to our attention that you have been charged with serious crimes against a child. The disposition of these charges warrant that we take measures to protect our young people, avoid any circumstance from which further accusations could occur, and eliminate concern among the congregation.
    By taking the steps outlined below, we are hopeful that the pastor, the staff, and the congregation can be of assistance to you. We recognize that all of us are in need of the mercy and grace God offers to each of those He created and whom He loves.
    Although this is the second such document you have signed since returning to this congregation in January 2013, and recognizing that there have been no issues of concern expressed to the pastors, it is necessary to provide mandatory guidelines for your continued participation in activities at the First United Methodist Church of Melbourne. The desire is to make them workable for you and at the same time meet the concerns of the congregation. We are hopeful you will agree to these terms and abide by them. If you not, then stronger measures will be required. The activities by which you are asked to agree and abide are as follows:
    1. Anytime you are on the campus of First United Methodist Church of Melbourne, you must be accompanied by a “buddy.” There will be at least three people who will be available to act as a “buddy.” The names and telephone numbers of those who have agreed to act as a buddy are listed at the bottom of this letter. You should make contact with one of them prior to coming to the campus of the church. This includes accompanying you to the restroom. The buddy will accompany you to your car at the time you leave the campus.
    2. You should restrict any conversation to people who are eighteen years of age or older unless the minors parent or another person over the age of eighteen who is aware of your status is present.
    3. You cannot serve in any position of leadership or teaching without the specific permission of the pastors. At no time will you be permitted to be involved in a leadership or teaching position that requires interaction with persons under the age of eighteen.
    4. You will restrict your non-worship service attendance to other activities that are not directed to persons under the age of eighteen.
    5. You agree to allow the pastor(s) to contact only the probation officer or your attorney in order to obtain information about you and to solicit their input as to how best to minister to you, to the congregation and the community. By signing this letter, you agree that the probation officer or your attorney may share any information with the pastor(s), and you release the probation officer or your attorney and their organization or practice from any liability as a result of releasing information. Offender will be informed of any concerns that are being requested of the probation officer or your attorney.
    6. You agree to meet and consult with the pastor upon his/her request for the purpose of providing assistance to you or for the protection and security of the congregation and the community. If there are any concerns made to a staff member or any of the pastors, the offender will be notified verbally within 72 hours and in writing within 5 business days. A meeting with the pastor(s) and the head of the Staff Parish Relations Committee will be scheduled as soon as possible to discuss and address the complaint.
    7. You understand and agree that it is necessary for the staff and members of the congregation to be advised of your status and the guidelines agreed upon.
    8. This document will be signed by the pastor(s) and the head of the Staff Parish Relations Committee prior to being presented to the offender or in a manner that the offender and at least one of the other required signees can sign in the presence of the other.
    We trust you understand the reasons for these requirements. Please know that we and the staff of this congregation shall be praying for you. We look forward to what God will do in your life and in the lives of the members of this congregation as we confront this situation and seek God’s direction.


    ____________________________ ____________________________
    Pastor Craig Hammond Pastor Dionne Hammond

    Head – Staff Parrish Relations Committee

    The Buddies to be called any time you plan to come to the campus of the church are
    Name: ______________________________ Date: 18 May, 2017__________________
    Roger W. Mansfield
    Rev. Dionne Hammond
    Rev. Craig Hammond
    XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Chairman – Staff Parrish Relations Committee

    • December 7, 2022

      I had a similar experience at a Church I was worshipping God at for several years. they wanted me to sign a form too, which I left immediately and have never went back.
      I was deeply hurt by this and still am.
      However, I went to another Church I had been to before after that and I told the Pastor my past and he welcomed me with open arms and NEVER asked me to sign anything and NEVER had anyone watch me-as a matter of fact he gave a cleaning and upkeep position with my own key and keypad code and I could come and go as I please.
      If anyone is planning on attending a Church, I would call first and find out their policy about people with past sexual offenses.
      If they want you to sign a form (which is scrutiny ) then it’s time to keep looking!

      • December 7, 2022

        When I was released in 2009, the small Methodist church I attended with my wife elected me to serve as the chairperson of the board of trustees. For a year, I literally had the keys to the church and could come and go as I pleased regarding my duties. Nearly everyone there knew my charges. I was even an adult bible study instructor on Sunday mornings. Because of my probation conditions, I still remained very vigilant around children. After about a year, my wife initiated divorce proceedings and things were very rocky. A new pastor came in and all of the sudden, my trustee and bible instructor roles were revoked and I was approached with a document similar to the one described above. I refused to sign it and filed a formal complaint to the Bishop in Lakeland. He admitted that the United Methodist did not have any blanket universal policy regarding sex offenders attending church. However, he deferred to the Pastor’s decision. I left that church and began attending a much larger Methodist church where, because of my probation officer, I disclosed my offense to the Pastor and a few elders. They took no action regarding my attendance and only asked me to keep them informed if I planned to attend events other than Sunday services with my family. (I have since re-married and have three children). I have never had any issues in 10 years and serve as the lead technical director for Sunday service. I say all this because, churches vary with how they view and manage a sex offender’s attendance and participation. Ultimately, your church experience is about your relationship with the Lord and those who are like-minded.

      • December 7, 2022

        @FAC. You know, I cannot help but wonder how that others can mention the name of Jesus and even use scriptures, BUT……when I do it, my post gets them edited out!!
        Would you explain that one to me, FAC??
        What is the difference between me and others, or are you just going to remain silent about this??
        Please explain!!

        • December 8, 2022

          There’s a difference between using scriptures and preaching. If you look at the comments for this article, there was one quote of scriptures (“They’ve forgotten Matthew 7:12 ” Therefore in all things, whatsoever you would have men do to you, do you also to them. For this is the law and the prophets “) where the person was citing the scriptures to point out that the church apparently forgot to consider that in the scriptures it says to treat others as yourself and these people are not following their own rule book.

          You don’t have the benefit of seeing how others’ posts get edited or moderated out entirely. You are not being singled out, you just don’t see the other edits because they don’t make it to the page.

          Think of it in a different context… If someone says “Senator Smith is a Republican. How can he be in favor of gun reform when his party’s platform believes in open carry laws? He’s a hypocrite.” they are making a point about Senator Smith’s position without promoting one position over another.

          You’ve made several posts where you’ve written “praise be to God” or other statements that were publicly posted without a second thought. This is not about suppressing your opinions, it’s more about respecting the beliefs of others, the political beliefs of others, the views on abortion or other social issues, etc. Remember, we’re a diverse group.

          I know there are many out there who are very devout. Perhaps a separate group for registrants of a specific religion or belief or whatever classification?

      • December 8, 2022

        David, I had the same experience when I went to another church after our move. After a month of attending services there my wife and I decided to continue going there and join the church. At that point I spoke at length (by my choice) with the pastor. His only question was “Do you plan on getting involved with any youth related activities?” when I more or less chuckled and said no his response was “Ok, there’s nothing to worry about” and gave both my wife and I a big hug.

    • December 8, 2022

      I would have asked the pastor if he makes people convicted of drunk driving sign a similar form before having Communion and drinking the wine.

      • December 8, 2022

        Most churches use grape juice now so that everyone, including underage can participate, as well as those who do not drink. But I get what you are saying.

  • December 7, 2022

    They’ve forgotten Matthew 7:12 ” Therefore in all things, whatsoever you would have men do to you, do you also to them. For this is the law and the prophets “

  • December 7, 2022

    I have stopped going. My latest was a big church and I went to service and left right after. Never joined any groups or Sunday school. Never said my full name and didn’t try to make any friends.

    That all worked for years until someone new started attending that knew me and my charges and went to the pastor and outed me. When I got the “We need to talk” spiel, I said “if this is what I think it is about, I will just leave” and I did. Going to church does not get you into Heaven, your faith does.

    Being shunned by the church was the last straw and I stay to myself now and have very few friends. It is a lonely life but I find ways to make the hours go by each day.

    • December 7, 2022

      The first reality and gut check by a registrant is you must go low profile. A probation officer actually told me to never tell anyone about your crime. You have to hide behind the same society and politicians that make our lives a living hell. Go to the church of your choice, Jesus is our Lord of Forgiveness!

  • December 7, 2022

    September 1, 2022


    Greig Sanderson Llewellyn
    Kincaid Hotel
    104 E North Street, Apt 420
    Uvalde, Texas 78801

    Mr. Llewellyn:

    This law office represents The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the “Church”). This letter is to inform you that you are prohibited from attending any meetings in person or entering any property owned or controlled by the Church, wherever located. Further, you are not to attend any Church functions, dances, socials, firesides, meetings, activities, classes, seminaries, etc., wherever held, and you are prohibited from contacting or attempting to contact any leader, volunteer, missionary, or worker of the Church, whether by phone, electronically, in person, or via third-party. You are also prohibited from entering any property owned or controlled by this law firm, or from contacting this law firm. You are however permitted to attend the Sunday block meetings virtually at the discretion of your priesthood leaders.

    Your immediate compliance is required. If you come onto the property described above, or contact leaders, missionaries, or this law firm in violation of these restrictions, you may be subject to arrest and prosecution as well as additional restrictions for trespass and harassment.

    These restrictions may be lifted if you demonstrate to District President Ross Davidson or his successor that you no longer pose a risk. To do so, you must comply with the restrictions contained in this letter for at least twelve (12) months. President Davidson may also contact you at his discretion and outline additional steps that must be followed. If a change in these restrictions is made, you will receive a letter from an attorney’s office.


    • December 8, 2022


      • December 8, 2022

        There is no forgiveness and love of God there, so no loss on your behalf.
        Keep looking, there are still some Churches that exhibit true love and forgiveness of God and this wasn’t one of them.

      • December 9, 2022

        Indeed. I am a former Bishop of the Church and now I am legally or illegally shunned, I should say.

        • December 9, 2022


          Somewhere in the Bible there is a scripture similar to that on being ousted. I cannot find it at this moment but will instead quote the Statue of Liberty:
          “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses”.
          I wouldn’t put it past the Government to edit that and add “Except for those on the registry”. There is NO forgiveness under the government for us. So someone who looked at an illegal photo once is on the registry for life but someone who murdered someone gets to move on with their life, other than having a record?

    • December 8, 2022

      Delivered to you by hand? I would have immediately lit it on fire and tossed it on the ground at his feet, looked him directly in the eye and said “go to hell”, then turn my back on him and walk away.
      I would also have told him to not contact you ever again in any way.

      • December 8, 2022


    • December 8, 2022


      That is actually a good thing. Hear me out, why would you want to attend a place that treats people like that? I can understand if your offense in the past happened at their location against one of the members (I hope it didn’t) but that is like Walmart banning you from shopping because 20 years ago you took a candy bar without paying from Target.

      I feel your pain and will keep you in prayer for guidance on the matter and wherever it may lead you and whatever path or journey you find that fulfills your needs.


      • December 9, 2022

        Thanks Jack. I never, ever, in all the 52 years of membership including Scouting leadership at the highest levels, did anything to anyone in the Church. One instance 2003, underage oral sex. 10 years prison and perfect compliance since!!

    • December 8, 2022

      I wouldn’t want to go to that so-called church anyway. You won’t get anything there worth getting. I love the church that I go to, but not all churches are created in the ways of God. Too many pastors treat service in the church as a career…worthy of protecting, rather than a calling to be in service for God and His creations.

  • December 7, 2022

    I will add the leadership of this church to my Phase IV Media Blitz list.

  • December 7, 2022

    I noticed in the letter they used the term offender at least 3 times not your name not peretioner but offender how can you as a church minister to someone you don’t even see as a hopefully repentant human being but as a offender

    • December 8, 2022

      I am an active member with the UM Men. We have come up with a term to describe some of these so-called ministers. Supposedly they go to seminary to become ordained leaders in the church. Well, for some the path is not in accordance with the Word of God. We say they instead went to ‘sementary’. That is where Christians go to die. And some of our so-called ministers did just that.

  • December 8, 2022

    I am blessed on this subject. I attend FUMC PSJ and have no problems. I have known many of the members for years and have been active in church activities for years. Churches that inquire about anyone’s background need to be referred to the background of the Apostle Paul. If the church leadership believes one has to be perfect to attend, that church is not worthy of being ‘graced’ by any human being…since all are sinners to various degrees. Isn’t that why we try to follow the guidelines and Word we receive at church?

    • December 8, 2022

      I was asked to leave Trinity UM church here in tallahassee after they found I was on the registry.

      I went to the episcopal church and was ‘straight up’ with the priest. Things were fine and then I was asked by the priest to run for a seat the vestry (council). Later there was a big to-do about my status and the same priest asked me to resign. It was a mess. The outcome was that I resigned, but I did it in front of everyone. I expressed (through tears, at times) my feelings about my church family and all that we had accomplished together. Afterward, I never felt unwelcome nor was I restricted in any way. I found that it was the bishop at the diocese level that was insisting on my resignation. He couldn’t force it directly, so he leveraged the priest.

      On a side note, I believe I could now be arrested if I were to take such a position again. We read about the Highlands County sheriff and what they were doing. I was arrested for “volunteering where children congregate”. I wasn’t and luckily my phone GPS showed that I wasn’t even at the place I was accused at the times alleged. While waiting through the legal process, I was on pre-trial release with GPS monitoring. I wasn’t allowed to go to any places children congregate and this included church. “Doing the math”, this means they could arrest me for mowing the church grass (as i used to do), as that would be volunteering where children congregate.
      This law HAS TO BE UNCONSTITUTIONAL! It was passed in 2014 and only applies to those with a predator designation. My charge is from early 1995. How can they retroactively restrict my freedoms? I can’t work for or volunteer at a place where children congregate. They were questioning me parenting my child while she sold girl scout cookies. They made all my actions seem nefarious. For 3 years I couldn’t even drop my daughter off at her activities.
      I intend to file a suit against my accuser (someone i didn’t even know). I was arrested on his word. I now have my word AND GPS evidence to show he lied. You would like to think he would be arrested on the charges of falsely accusing someone of a sex crime. There is more evidence against him than ever was against me. I also think it should be enhanced as a hate crime, as it was my status as a registrant that prompted his actions. He probably won’t be arrested as everyone likes to ‘kick registrants’.

      • December 8, 2022

        It’s time that liars …be they politicians or church leaders…be held accountable. Most of them are just trying to defend their jobs and salaries and will do anything they feel necessary, including destroying the lives and families of another fellow human being.

        • December 8, 2022

          On a side: several months later (after I was asked to leave Trinity UMC in downtown tallahassee), I was attending the springtime tallahassee event in downtown. I was walking past the front steps of the church and they had a table set up and were giving away bottles of cold water with the church info on them and telling people to come visit. A teenage girl approached my wife and I and offered us water and invited us to attend. I told her that I could not attend because I was a sinner. She said god forgives all our sins. I told her that while that may be true, her church did not forgive all sins. She was confused. I pointed to pastor Wayne, who was busy a short distance away, and told her to ask him which sins the church did not forgive. I said that if he was confused about the question, she should point me out. I then walked away.

          My wife said I was mean.


          • December 8, 2022

            ALL of us know our victims are more likely to forgive us than society who had nothing to do with our charges but are disgusted by us. All this from a photo on the registry, a post on Nextdoor or a nosy, busybody neighbor who has nothing better to do than make our lives a living Hell.

          • December 9, 2022

            Great opportunity to teach a lesson to a person who means well but is deceived by a person in church leadership.

          • December 9, 2022

            There is a show I watch every weekend. They help ex felons get back on track and start their own businesses. Their motto at the end of the show always says “Because everyone deserves a second chance.”
            In all the years I have watched, there have been Former robbers, car jackers, murderers, drug dealers and more featured on the show. Everyone deserves a second chance, and yet in all the episodes over the years, not one single person was ever featured that had a past sex offense.
            It is on ABC and called Free Enterprise. I do not think that will ever change.

          • December 9, 2022

            Please write to the show and ask them. Let us know their response.

          • December 9, 2022


            We all already know the answer. They take real people and match them up with people who are willing to go on tv and speak for their character and help them start their own business.
            NO other ex felons have to publicly register their business on a registry (That I know of) and the show and their featured guests are not going to put their reputations on the line with someone on the registry.
            My issue is them stating in every single episode “Because everyone deserves a second chance”. We all know that does not apply to us. We learned that with the felons right to vote law and many other instances that could fill up a phone book.

    • December 8, 2022

      This has been Exactly my expierence over the last 25 years I’ve been in church. And very well said.

  • December 8, 2022

    All it takes is for someone to point a finger at you and you are guilty no matter if you are innocent or not. When I was released from prison I went to my hometown Methodist church. everyone knew of what I spent 10 years in prison for and they knew it was a load of crap. My minister and some of the congregation visited me in county jail and also came to see me in prison.
    My minister had three churches at the time and I would open the services before she got to the church. (opening prayer, and Hymns.) I played the church organ and also my guitar which my minister also played. i was never ostracized about anything. While being incarcerated the congregation took up a collection for me to purchase a keyboard which I also played in church while incarcerated there.
    i never wasted any time while being incarcerated. I became a tutor in the business class and helped inmates to learn computer skills, Microsoft word, excell, access, and power point. i also tutored in the GED classes. Was active in the music department tutoring inmates with music theory and guitar and keyboard.
    I am not trying to blow my horn or brag about what I did. It was what I did to keep my sanity while being there. It also made me feel useful and gave me satisfaction helping inmates improve themselves. I have heard from some of them since my release and have been thanked for my help. It still makes me feel good that they are doing well and that I was able to help them. i met many inmates that I knew in my heart that they did not commit the crimes that they were accused of but on the other hand there were the ones that I knew they were lying and were in denial, had no empathy of others feelings.
    Thank you for letting me tell this and I hope it helps.
    I follow the rules and am still afraid that one day I may forget to dot an I or cross a T and end up incarcerated for nothing.

    • December 8, 2022


      Speaking of forgetting, I had a dream once I had forgotten to register. I woke up in the middle of the night and unlocked my safe and pulled out all my registration papers since 1997. I went through every one and made sure I had not missed a registration and I hadn’t.
      After that I started buying a professional desk calendar which I hang in my computer room. When each new year comes, I go to the 4 months I have to register and right that on the day I am going to go in big red letters. I do that in advance from January to December (On the 4 months I have to register) and once I have completed a registration, I mark that one off and file that paperwork in my safe.
      Yes, I have a fireproof safe JUST for registration paperwork which is more sacred than gold. Don’t believe me, fail to register and see what that cost you. Those papers are the Holy grail if you are accused of failing to register. In fact, a while back on FAC, someone stated they had been accused by some deputies of failing to register and that person also kept all his paperwork and showed it to them and he was, thankfully, not arrested.
      A side note, if deputies ever want that paperwork, please never give them the original. Tell them you will make a copy and drop it off at the sheriff’s office .

    • December 8, 2022

      We can accomplish nothing in this life by sitting around ‘crying in our beer’. As long as our actions are acceptable in the eyes of God, we need not worry about pleasing man…especially those who look for something to criticize in everyone but themself. Nothing can be a substitute for living a life pleasing to God. That has been my experience and I stand by it.

    • December 9, 2022

      Jerry, FUMC PSJ is First United Methodist Church Port St. John.

      • December 9, 2022

        I wouldn’t want to do that to a church even if they did it to us, but about 50 of us should show up and when the pastors asks what group we are from and we all stand up and say we are all registered sex offenders who love God, see how fast we are removed.
        I am a Christian so not bashing churches, but unless you are trying to eek yourself into teaching the kids Sunday School, you should be allowed to attend church. The last time I went with my parents, right away people were trying to get me to join this or that church group. I always respond with “I’ll think about it” which I do, I think “That isn’t going to happen.
        I mostly go on special occasions as attending church is not a requirement for entering Heaven. Church is for gathering togethering together and lifting each other up. However, we all know, once some of them find out our past, instead of lifting up, we get shown the door.

        • December 9, 2022

          This concept applies to every group that offers affiliation. I am involved with an astronomy group. They offer many one on one mentoring programs for youth. I have been asked why dont I get more involved with that aspect. When I am involved in outreach activities or programs and either a woman or youth gets to asking lots of questions, I do what I can and then pass them along to someone who can support their needs better than I can. It is a razors edge, but all about not putting yourself into a place where someone can say you (fill in the blank here) AND the group your involved with was the mechanism that supported your “nefarious” actions… even if there were no nefarious intentions.
          Example… a few weeks ago we had an outreach event and about 150 interested non members showed up, along with about 200 girlscouts. We have one of our member who is very involved in STEM programs and teaching the GS about astronomy. I was asked if would set up my telescope for the GS to use and be mentored with. I quickly shared, I cant, I am set up over there for the general outreach. I make sure I am never alone, even in the group. I stay as active as I can, but at arms reach. Better safe, than sorry.

  • December 8, 2022

    I’ve said before how my church of 8 years , chose a new pastor. Within a year, my daughter-in-law’s estranged family called the church. How could they let a person like me attend. They said they were getting news crews and would picket until they stop letting me attend. Of course, the spineless pastor came to my house and told me to take a few weeks off until it blows over. Then the church lawyer came up with a letter for me to sign. Not hiding anything, I signed it. The next day, the pastor came to my house. He asked what did I actually do, he couldn’t find anything on line. I told him. Within two weeks, a biker showed up at my back yard (I live in a trailer park). He was cutting grass for the last who lives behind us. He made threats, but that’s all. I was throwing a football with my grandson. Told him to go inside. Never went back to that church. I attend a different one. Hierarchy knows of me and my status. I only attend the service with my wife, son, daughter-in-law, grandsons, brother- in – law, his son, his daughter, her husband, they’re 4 kids. Don’t participate in any after church functions or grouos, or volunteer for anything. . If anything happens here. I’m done with church’s.

  • December 10, 2022

    That is a church you don’t want to attend, forgiveness of sins isn’t part of their doctrine, so they must not believe in Jesus.


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