America Is Hard to See, a play about sex offenders, opens to good reviews

Sex Offender News

America Is Hard to See, a play based on the actual lives of residents of Miracle Village in Pahokee, Florida opened Friday and has received positive reviews from theater critics. The Off-Broadway play, set in the notorious colony of sex offenders living among grain fields in rural Palm Beach County, is a “fusion of personal interviews and texts found through archival research, with traditional Methodist hymns and original songs composed by Priscilla Holbrook.”

Following are some of the reviews:



One thought on “America Is Hard to See, a play about sex offenders, opens to good reviews

  • February 7, 2018 at 10:26 am

    As always, read and comment if you can on the article itself. Only one negative, and that one from California. Likely, that person never saw the play and his/her mind about SOs is closed.

    Wish I could go see it. Or someone films and puts it on Youtube or something.


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