Amendment 4 – Entrenching Discrimination in Florida Against Persons Required to Register

Dear Members and Advocates,

Last night the election results came in. To remain impartial – that’s all we’ll say about that. What we can safely comment on is that Amendment 4 passed and now discrimination against persons required to register is entrenched in the Florida Constitution. That will be a tough hurdle to overcome. It was not unexpected, but no less disappointing.

Our work continues in Court and that remains our best shot at relief. In the meantime, we need to remain active and a series of regional meet and greets have been scheduled for that purpose:

We have a schedule of the upcoming Meet and Greets. We would love to have you join us!  For meeting time and location, send email to or call (833) 2-REPEAL [833-273-7325].

  • Nov 10 – Tallahassee 3:00-5:00pm
  • Nov 13 – Tampa – 6:00-8:00pm
  • Nov 18 – Ocala 1:00-2:30pm
  • Nov 24- Orlando  – 1:00 – 3:00
  • Dec 5 – -Brevard – 11:00am – 1:00 pm
  • Dec 8 – Sarasota – 2:00-4:00pm
  • Dec 10- Fort Myers 6:00-8:00pm

We also have some exciting member calls coming up. Looking ahead, our guest speaker for the December 6th membership call will be from the Regional level of the Florida Department of Corrections.   The topic is “Probation Standards versus Grievances”.  We are seeking to understand the standard policies of probation for successful completion, and when it is necessary to file a complaint. This is an opportunity to have your questions answered by an authority.

Rather than having an open session for questions, we ask that you please send your questions to by November 18th and we will get through as many as we can during the call.


The Florida Action Committee


FDLE requests extension of time to respond to Ex Post Facto complaint.

Just keeping everyone in the loop: The FDLE has asked for a two week extension of time to file a response to the Ex Post Facto complaint. Attorneys for the Does did not oppose. We expect something to be filed by them just before thanksgiving.

In Person Registration Challenge: Plaintiffs Wanted

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Is Lifetime Sex Offender Registration Worse than Jail?

In the comments of a recent article I saw someone reference Dr. Marty Klein as an expert in sexual issues. I had not heard of Dr. Klein, so I did a little digging to see who he was and how he felt about our issues. It turns out Dr. Klein is a renowned expert and…

One thought on “Amendment 4 – Entrenching Discrimination in Florida Against Persons Required to Register

  • November 7, 2018

    Hopefully now that the rest of the felons aren’t in line ahead of me at the Clemency Board I can get a hearing. And hopefully the new governor is more open minded than the last


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