Alabama's 2000 foot work restriction laws are so absurd, even responding to a fire too close to a school is a violation

Alabama’s 2000 work restriction laws are very absurd. I’ve been told stories by many individuals that the work restrictions are so vague, I’ve been told delivery or truck drivers could not deliver within 2000 feet of restricted zones nor could registrants work day labor or make house calls in restricted zones. Yet, until I didn’t have much in the way of definitive proof that the law was this absurd until I was sent this news story and it makes me sick just thinking about it.
Personally, I think EVERY registrant in Alabama should collect welfare. To hell with work! I would just let these houses burn, if the law is this absurd.
Sex offender working at Alabama fire department arrested for being near school, daycare
By Ashley Remkus |
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on October 05, 2016 at 2:34 PM, updated October 05, 2016 at 2:55 PM
A convicted sex offender working at an Alabama volunteer fire department has been arrested because he responded to emergency calls that were located too close to a school and daycare.
Bobby Wayne Crow, 54, of Athens, was working for the Oak-Grove Thach Volunteer Fire Department when he responded to calls near Ardmore High School and the daycare program at Ardmore First Baptist Church in Limestone County, sheriff’s spokesman Stephen Young said.
Crow was convicted of second-degree rape in Athens in 1987 because two years earlier he had sex with a girl younger than 16, Young said.
Young said Alabama’s sex offender registration laws allow Crow to work for the fire department, but he’s not allowed to be within 2,000 feet of schools or daycare centers.
“And he knew that,” Young said. “He registered in April of this year, so he had signed the papers.”
John Pritchard, vice president of the Limestone County Volunteer Fire Departments Association board, said he wasn’t aware there was a convicted sex offender working at Oak-Grove.
“Whether they knew or not, I’m not sure,” Pritchard said. “Each department carries their own set of bylaws and how they discipline things. Most departments do not allow convicted felons, but I can’t speak for any one department.”
Pritchard said the board doesn’t oversee the 13 volunteer fire departments in the county, but rather works primarily to get funding for the organizations.
It isn’t immediately clear whether Crow will be allowed to keeping volunteering.
The fire chief at Oak-Grove wasn’t immediately available for comment.
The calls Crow responded to were on First Avenue East and Ardmore Avenue. The school is on Ardmore Avenue, and the daycare is on Fifth Street, Young said.
Authorities got warrants for Crow’s arrest after the District Attorney’s Office reviewed a list of calls he responded to.
Crow was released from Limestone County Jail a few hours after his arrest Tuesday on $30,000 bail. He is charged with two Class C felony counts of violating Alabama’s Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act. If convicted, he faces up to 10 years in prison on each charge.

4 thoughts on “Alabama's 2000 foot work restriction laws are so absurd, even responding to a fire too close to a school is a violation

  • October 7, 2016 at 12:59 pm

    Employers won’t hire. Cause not sure what’ll be the registrants next punishment. Headed for Ward of the State.

  • October 9, 2016 at 4:40 am

    Absolute complete insanity ….

  • October 10, 2016 at 3:18 pm

    All registered citizens should be given a stipend by their respective state of residence and the federal government since their laws have rendered us unemployable. Additionally, theses same governments should have to provide housing since no one wants to live near us. Since we are all deemed deviants in accordance with the DSM, shouldn’t we be eligible for SSI? America the brutal!


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