AL: JeffCo man feels targeted after home set on fire
Investigators are still looking for answers after a fire broke out on Thanksgiving Day near the back door of a home on 10th Street in Robinwood.
Sources say the fire is suspicious.
Raymond Martin lives at the home with his mother.
Martin is a registered sex offender.
For the past week, I’ve been engaged in a bitter flame war with the Lessleys, the folks that have harassed this man. They are Valigator types. However, they are also living in Sheriff Mike Hale’s jurisdiction, and he has an open hatred of registered citizens. If this was anywhere else, the Lessleys would at least be under investigation but as it stands now, I’d be shocked if the JCSO even investigates, much less makes an arrest.
Also remember….the registry laws (according to the Supreme Court of the US) are civil (once you are off paper) – that means the are technically no different than any other civil code – meaning that the officers do not have a right to search you unless they have a reasonable assumption to think you are breaking the law. Just being a RSO does mean you might be breaking the law….
In the state of FL you have the right (SC of Fl backs this up) to film any public servant in the process of doing their job. Film them doing that to you. I do not believe they have the right just because you are a registrant in the process of registering – especially if you are off paper. “Just because the are officers” does mean they can violate you without probably cause.
Hate Crime
The harassment now extends to registration in Duval County. During registration one is forced to interlock fingers while a police officer touches your genitalia, buttocks etc. While searching for weapons… They will mock you for your status and tell you to make all the faces you want, it won’t change things. When asked if it was a proactive or reactive approach, it was clarified that the former registration employees werecorrection odrivers and they are now police officers. They had no empiracle evidence that anyone had committed battery during registration.
Ironically, I was touched sexually unwantingly by an officer and searched for a reason with no evidence, while being said it was ok because of my registration status. Wtf
One is detained against own will or without warrant during registration.
Call the police and file a complaint.
Life Long LABELS have this effect!