After Court Ruling, FDLE Seeks Legislative Help To Clarify Sex Offender 'Internet Identifier' Law

The Florida Department of Law Enforcement wants to revise a law further cracking down on sex offenders that was slated to take effect a couple months ago.

Among the law’s many provisions is requiring sex offenders register “internet identifiers,” like URLS and websites, before using them with the FDLE’s online system.

But, critics were concerned it did not account for accidental omissions, like if the person has to regularly visit websites for a job. And, FDLE Commissioner Rick Swearingen says a court agreed.

“In September, the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Florida issued a preliminary injunction preventing the language from going into effect on October 1st, suggesting it was overbroad and vague,” he said, during Tuesday’s Cabinet meeting. “The requirement for these individuals to register internet information has been an important tool for law enforcement in combatting the exploitation of minors.”

So, Swearingen says updating the law will be a top legislative priority for him in 2017.

“We plan to propose language to clarify the definition of internet identifiers and the scope of requirement language and second, an exemption regarding the collected information,” he added.

12 thoughts on “After Court Ruling, FDLE Seeks Legislative Help To Clarify Sex Offender 'Internet Identifier' Law

  • December 13, 2016

    “The requirement for these individuals to register internet information has been an important tool for law enforcement in combatting the exploitation of minors.” Talk is cheap, where are your statistics that your internet trolling has had any effect, other than with your illegal sting operations?

  • December 9, 2016

    The headline should be amended to read the blind asks the blind for help down the street. Neither the idiots who passed this law or the morons tasked to enforce this trip understand how it works to begin with. Way to go FloriDUH!

  • December 8, 2016

    Similar requirements have been completely struck down in other states as an unconstitutional violation of free speech. Those courts said a person has the right to remain anonymous when exercising free speech…lets see what these jerks come up with…

    • December 8, 2016

      Thanks for the main thread repost.
      This is most certainly unconstitutinal & I’m hopeful this has swift resolve w/ the outcome to be in our favor.

  • December 7, 2016

    Do we have to worry about this crap again???? Give up you stupid bureaucratic lawmaking idiots. Quick making our lives more miserable while you try to make yourselves look good. If I could vote all of you would be out of a job. I can’t believe that the politicians think they know it all when in fact they refuse to know the truth.

  • December 7, 2016

    What can we do to contest the idiocy? Is there anything at all we can do to open up the eyes of the people. I think we need to reach farther than what we are doing. I think we all need to take a lesson from victims families such as trayvon martin. Without them standing up andaking there public outcry known in the media they never would gotten a trial. I think we need to do the same. We are too quiet I believe and only communicate amongst ourselves. I could be wrong, but then again I don’t see this movement on tv, making national headlines…so my question to you, whether entrapped by petty Craigslist stings, whether you made a mistake, regardless we need to stand up and make some noise. Not to judge anyone as having a lesser or greater crime, but murderer’s don’t register, drug dealers don’t register, they don’t have to sign their URLs or have living restrictions, it’s time to change this. Fac….I am ready to fight. Members are you ready to fight? Are your family members and friends ready to fight? We need to make noise, I am ready…so what are we really going to do to get this noticed and get changes(not saying you guys haven’t done plenty and it is much appreciated but I think the fight needs to take place on a grander public scale…)

    • February 1, 2017

      Agreed. I’ve been wondering the same thing myself for years.

  • December 7, 2016

    Why?????? Just to be hateful? Is there a justifiable safety issue that would require FDLE to know exactly every website we visit?

    • December 8, 2016

      Another note: FDLE is an investigative agency. They are Florida’s FBI. Now the question begs to be answered….Why is an investigative agency trying to implement law? This is NOT FDLE job. This is for the Florida Legislature to accomplish. Granted, this will be how FDLE tries to accomplish it’s new mission, but for Commissioner Rick Swearingen to make it a….”top legislative priority for him in 2017″. Police ARE NOT supposed to be involved with making policy OR law!! Think about this!!!!! The tail is trying to wag the dog.

      • December 14, 2016

        In 1997 Sen Burt from Ormand Beach started the crusade against Sex Offenders with 97-299. The laws written give FDLE the power as a state police agency.

        What it does not reflect is that it does not give FDLE the right to Retroactively go back to a previous court adjudicated crime and change the courts sentence.
        The Federal Government does not have a sex offender registration.

        In Carr the court hung everything on 2250 b travel.

        Use your lap tops and read all the statutes. Read the sentencing guidelines. We can win this if we go after the “Violation of State STATUTORY Constitutional Law.”


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