Adults without children won’t be allowed at Palm Beach County playgrounds
[FAC NOTE: This is actually a really good policy. Why would ANYONE not having a valid reason to be on a playground, school or daycare have a reason to be there?]
PALM BEACH COUNTY, Fla. — In an effort to increase safety in Palm Beach County, commissioners unanimously approved an amended change to the county’s parks and recreation ordinance.
Officials said the revision will strengthen provisions related to children’s safety on playgrounds at county parks.
Palm Beach County Mayor Robert Weinroth announced this week that the new regulation prohibits adults 18 years or older from entering or remaining in a designated children’s play area unless the adult is supervising and/or accompanying children that are 12 years old or younger.
I wanted to first say “A solution looking for a problem.”
But after reading the 2015 article below from the National Parks and Recreation Association, the caselaw (and maybe the ordinance which I have not read) is for the purpose of keeping the small area of a playground open for small children. More likely in New York City they have older kids messing around on a playground and potentially not leaving equipment or space for the toddlers.
I doubt this has been an issue in Palm Beach County, but why not get a feather in your cap for your next campaign that you passed this ordinance and “protected the children”.
This article describes the ordinance and its constitutionality (4th amendment right to go into any public space).
This is exactly what is wrong with TODAY’S society. We’re in the golden age of “pedo panic” thanks to a certain political party and news broadcast agency which I won’t name.
This is exactly what they want – everyone to be paranoid and suspicious of each other in order to sell the fear narrative. They want us to automatically assume the worse and prejudge others.
More guns.
More walls
More registries
America is a lost cause at this point.
It’s just local regulation of playgrounds.