ACTION NEEDED: U.S. marshals arrest 9 convicted sex offenders in ‘Operation Dunder Mifflin’

The story about the U. S. Marshals finding 13 people not living at their registered addresses in Scranton, PA, has been running for several days in Pennsylvania, but I am shocked that the Tampa Bay Times would give up space for something as nonsensical as this story is and miles away from Florida.  As always, no new sex crimes were committed.  If this is big news down in Florida, then newspapers do not know what real news is anymore.

In Scranton, an individual on the registry cannot live with 2500 feet of any school, child-care facility, open space, community center, public park or recreational facility in the city.  Where are these people supposed to live?

FAC is sending a Letter to the Editor of the Tampa Bay Times concerning this absurdity.

There does not appear to be a comment section, but Letters to the Editor (up to 250 words) can be sent to:

It would be good if the Tampa Bay Times could hear from many different people.  Even if they do not publish our letters, maybe they will think twice before wasting space on something that is not newsworthy.


11 thoughts on “ACTION NEEDED: U.S. marshals arrest 9 convicted sex offenders in ‘Operation Dunder Mifflin’

  • October 11, 2021

    You can always go to their ‘about us’ or ‘meet the team’ section on the media’s website. There you can sometimes find executive’s and ‘anchors’ email addresses. If all else fails go to their ‘contact us’ where you can submit a statement. Many people need to participate and only a few are willing to write letters.

  • October 11, 2021

    Unfortunately their website wants to collect all of your personal contact information just to send them a note.

  • October 11, 2021

    CNN has been reporting this for several days. They have a wider audience than TBT but not sure how to comment.

  • October 11, 2021

    Did I read that right ? They can’t live within 2500 feet of an “open space ” ? I have 2 questions 1.where are the displaced homeless supposed to go if they can’t go to an open space ? And 2. Just what is they’re definition of an “open space”. To me common sense says and open space would mean there are no structures its empty land and if that space is 2500 feet from all the rest of the no go areas then it should be the place they would and should be able to go. But that’s just my thoughts. I was homeless for a year and a half not that I would have any knowledge of the subject.

  • October 11, 2021

    The Tampax Bay Times should be doing a story on South FloriDUH corruption instead but I guess it is so commonplace that is not news.

  • October 11, 2021

    Thank you for all the suggestions on how to contact the Tampa Bay Times if you do not want to share all of you contact information.

    Unfortunately, if you simply want to email customer service, you must also give your contact information.

    I have been unable to find any emails for staff members. If anyone else does, please share them with us.

    In order to survive, most papers are banning together under one larger organization, such as USA Today or Gannet. There websites are all clones of one another, giving out very little contact info, such as emails.

  • October 11, 2021

    If a ‘Person Forced to Register’ was convicted under State Charges and NOT Federal Charges, How can a Federal Agency, US Marshals, Enforce Compliance Checks; Should Not Only State Law Enforcement Agencies enforce these Draconian Compliance Checks?

    I am confused…If anyone could shed some light on this, it would be appreciated!


    • October 12, 2021

      The state receives Federal Justice Assistance Grants for remaining in compliance with Federal standards such as address checks.

  • October 12, 2021

    I emailed this to


    Your paper published an article, mentioning that 9 sex offenders were arrested. Here is an excerpt:

    “Of those, 13 were found in violation of sex-offender-registration laws. Nine of them were taken into custody while authorities on Saturday were still searching for the other four, all of them men.”

    I am trying to understand this:

    Why does your paper feel that this is ‘relevant information’ except to scare-monger your audience, despite your About Us section claiming to have ‘no agenda’?

    What important Crimes were committed that your readers needed to be made so aware of here?

    There is a MOUNTAIN of evidence coming out now that the entire registry serves Zero purpose to lower recidivism rates. Do you have any Real Journalists in your group that like to report important information relevant to your audience such as this?

    I will be awaiting a reply from your editor.”

    • October 13, 2021

      Unfortunately reality no longer matters to the “woke” – just want to feel good masses.

      We live in a country where mass delusions are more important than facts and it is only getting worse with each passing day.


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