ACTION NEEDED to Educate a Syndicated Columnist

Amy Dickinson is a newspaper columnist who writes the syndicated advice column Ask Amy.  She has also appeared as a social commentator on ABC’ s Good Morning America and NBC’s The Today Show.

Ms. Dickinson recently made some disturbing comments in her column:

  • “Failure to register as a convicted sex offender is a serious crime in every state.”
  • Anyone on the registry who fails to register is arrogant or irresponsible.
  • Implies that having a romantic relationship with anyone on the registry is a mistake.

Yes, there are some dangerous people on the registry, but Ms. Dickinson is unaware that this subgroup is in the minority.  We need to educate her in a cordial manner that the majority of people with a past sex offense are law-abiding citizens.   She needs to hear from a LOT of us so that she will hopefully make a retraction soon in her column.

Ms. Dickinson can be reached at: and Twitter@askingamy.


22 thoughts on “ACTION NEEDED to Educate a Syndicated Columnist

  • January 31, 2022

    I’ve sent her corrective emails in the past to try to educate this Karen. She’s a waste of time, so I didn’t bother trying to educate her, I just ridiculed her instead. Some folks, like Amy, can’t be cured from terminal stupidity.

  • January 31, 2022

    It’s syndicated and therefore can be found in multiple links from about a week ago. Someone’s experiencing a rift in her family for being engaged to a registrant who is now in jail for failing to update his address. Amy’s response as follows:

    Dear C: Failure to register as a convicted sex offender is a serious crime in every state.

    Obviously, the people who are closest to you are worried about you. Not only are you engaged to a convicted sex offender – but, even if he was unjustly accused and convicted, he is too arrogant, or irresponsible, to register.

    This is why they can’t be happy for you.

    Now that your fiancé is behind bars, you will need your friends and family to be in your corner. Please, accept the fact that they cannot endorse this situation. Do your best to rebuild the relationships that have suffered.

  • January 31, 2022

    Sometimes when a columnist dispenses advice in an area you happen to know a lot about, that columnist can be revealed to be a bullshit artist (profanity intended).

    I used to be a fan of Ask Amy. Now I feel like I see right through her.

    Amy please redeem yourself!

    (Not to worry, I will try to be more respectful in any correspondence with her. I am just blowing off steam here).

  • January 31, 2022


    I Know In The Past That You Have Provided A Quasi-Template/Structure To Responding To These Types of Misunderstandings By The Journalistic Community At Large…

    If You Could Provide Some Talking Points That Could Be Followed…

    Obviously…Empirical Data Must the First Thing and then the ‘Stranger Danger’ Mentalities That Exist and The Fact That There are over 90K Children on The Hit Lists! ETC!

    • February 2, 2022

      Amy will be added to the 14-part FAC Media Blitz mailing during phase 3. It is a project designed to educate ‘characters’ who sit in all forms of authority and influence. I have thus far gotten positive responses from individuals who could be considered ‘hard core’…with positive responses.

  • January 31, 2022

    FAC, personally, I wouldn’t waste my time on educating her. She is one of those types that figuratively thumb their noses at our families without any regard for us or our well being. We are without worth in her eyes. Her attitude has been cemented in concrete.

    I’m just sad that this woman went to the wrong person for advice. She should be a part of a support group within our community. Sad that so many in our population don’t know that there is support and community out there… so many live isolated like this person.

  • January 31, 2022

    With Sarah’s approval I will add her to my Phase 3 list.

    • February 1, 2022


  • January 31, 2022

    Maybe if Amy knew the whole Gambit and redundancy of the requirements of the registry then she might be more open minded on the failure to register topic. It’s quite apparent that she lacks knowledge of the registry requirements. Her other opinion is very controversial topic so I’ll just leave that alone and not let my emotions get involved in that.

  • February 1, 2022

    Here she promotes abandoning ones fiance in tough times. In her two other columns she managed to promote gaslighting and nepotism. What festering rag gave this vile bitch a pen?

    • February 2, 2022

      (Thanks for Taking the Time to Read The Toilet Paper-You are To Be Commended)

      Yes More Grocery Store Tabloid Toilet Paper!

      Most of These “Feel Good” Syndicated Columnists are Glorified Romance Novelists! They Never Discuss Empirical Data-Just Pure DRAMA!

      As My Grandfather Used To Say, “You Can’t Educate Stupid, You Just Shoot Stupid”; He Was NOT referring to actually shooting them, But, To Just To Ignore Them!

      • February 2, 2022


        Stupid people often shoot themselves in the foot. Hopefully they are wearing steal toe boots.

  • February 1, 2022

    Its difficult to educate people who don’t want to hear the truth, but I just sent her a lengthy email refuting her misconceptions.

    • February 1, 2022

      I’ve said for years that you can’t argue common sense with someone who doesn’t have any. I read a book by an FBI hostage negotiator who said that appealing to logic often doesn’t work because heightened emotions like fear override logic.

  • February 1, 2022

    Sent Amy an email. She did acknowledge its received. I’ll see if she is interested in a reply. None yet.

    • February 2, 2022

      Just saying

      Was he doing a science experiment as a state psychologist for registrants therapy? Only in Florida and the state worries about out of staters.

    • February 2, 2022

      Just sayin
      Here is an article of different note I thought interesting. By Jeff Lehr Dated Jan 31,2022 from the Joplin Globe report. Teachers marriage to student results in dismissal of charge.
      On another topic Whoopi Goldberg was removed from her job because of making an inaccurate comment on the view about Jews which she apologized for. And by the way nobody has more of a Jewish name than her. Come on now. Goldberg give me a break.
      Why is not the same action done to Amy Dickinson . Why is there a double standard.
      My personal view of her comments is she wasn’t completely inaccurate. She said they were persecuted because of there ideologies which is not entirely wrong. The Jews were singled out as race because of there ideology which others didn’t agree with.

  • February 2, 2022

    She definitely lives up to her name. She puts the Dickinson in myths, emotions, and fear. Another window dressing advice column.

  • February 2, 2022

    Just to add to my last comment
    So shouldn’t we be addressing our comments to Good Morning America rather than to Amy , and demanding she be fired just as Whoopi was for making false statements.

    • February 2, 2022

      Well she is definitely not providing factual and informative information. She’s only providing misleading and in some cases misinformation. She’s trying to exacerbate our entire situation. Provoking more ostracizing and fear mongering from society. She is mostly full of judgemental and anecdotal opinion.

  • February 2, 2022

    I just read this. Doesn’t seem that bad to me.

    It is true that “Failure to register as a convicted sex offender is a serious crime in every state.” It is a felony everywhere that I have seen. Of course, it should not be a crime at all, but that doesn’t change the truth of that statement. I would tell Amy that. It should not be a crime and the Hit Lists obviously shouldn’t exist at all. Duh. All informed people know that.

    She said, “… he is too arrogant — or irresponsible — to register.” That doesn’t seem exceptionally far off either. Personally, I think that PFRs who intentionally do not Register are heroes. If they disappear forever, that is the most perfect scenario. But other than that, the Hit Lists are war. One of the weapons of the criminal regimes is to arrest people for FTR. So it is somewhat irresponsible to not Register unless you are doing it on purpose for some reason. At the very least, not Registering adds chaos to your life. I like the people in my life to be very solid and strong, not chaotic. Just saying.

    The synopsis above said Amy “Implies that having a romantic relationship with anyone on the registry is a mistake.” I don’t think she really implied that to much of any degree. I thought her response of “Please, accept the fact that they cannot endorse this situation” was fairly measured. It would be healthy for the writer (C) to accept that, if it’s true. Doesn’t mean you have to change anything about any relationship. But you should understand how people feel about it. Personally, I might choose to get away from those people. Or not, depending.

    Amy also said, “Now that your fiance is behind bars, you will need your friends and family to be in your corner.” Now THAT, is not true at all. The writer said, “I’ve lost friends and a few family members because they are not happy with my choice.” You don’t want those kinds of friends and family in your corner. I’d thank the Hit Lists for showing me what those people are about and not “rebuild the relationships” (as Amy suggested). I would find new, real friends and avoid family who are trouble.

    One of the best things about the Hit Lists is that it exposes scumbags, fake “friends”, bad “neighbors”, and lame family members. Believe it when you see what they are.


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