ACSOL National Action Alert: Retired Military Registrants Denied Access to Military Bases – Were You Also Denied?
Two retired military registrants were denied access to military bases during the past seven days. One of the registrants was denied access to a Marine base while the other was denied access to a Navy base. The two registrants are retired from two different branches of the military — Air Force and Navy. Both attempted to access a military base in order to pick up one or more prescription medicines.
According to a document provided to one of the two registrants, the Marine Corps has a new screening and vetting process for persons entering a military facility that became effective on November 1. The process includes an all Service electronic Physical Security Access Control System that includes a list of all individuals listed on the National Sex Offender Registry. The document also states that screening and vetting of all persons entering a Marine Corps facility is “critical to ensuring the safety and security of those persons living and working aboard Marine Corps sites and the security of our resources and assets.”
“We do not know at this time the breadth of this exclusion, that is, whether it includes all branches of the military and whether it applies to the registrants’ dependents,” stated ACSOL Executive Director Janice Bellucci. “Litigation may be necessary in order to address this significant harm.”
ACSOL requests that anyone denied access to a military on or after November 1, 2021, contact Janice Bellucci by email at or by phone at (805) 896-7854.
I am not a veteran, but I was allowed to be signed in at NASJAX until I was denied and informed not to come back one day. I was going to play golf there as I had done five times before. This occurred five years ago.
Two things I would like to add:
#1 Thank you for your service to all who served. 11/11/21 Thursday is Veterans day.
#2 (And you can look this up, it was on the news) Veterans day, 11/11/21 All Publix stores are giving vets (and active duty) 10% off their total purchase. Just show your I.D showing you served or are serving.
For those commenting on the VA, my husband is currently under the care of the VA and has received help since Nov. 1 with absolutely no problems.
After having served 24.5 years in the Navy with 3 tours as a pilot flying in battle in the Vietnam War while his only daughter was born in the U. S. without his being able to be there and now having a diagnosis of PTSD, if this country ever decides to deny him access to the VA, history tells us that the U. S. is doomed for extinction.
AMEN!!! FAC Media.
How many Children run around “Unescorted” on a Military Base ??? I’ve never seen any, And I’ve picked up Truck’s from every Base in Florida and never have I seen “Children” !?!?!?;?. What’s REALLY SAD is, The “Military” is BIG about COVERING UP Sex Cases !!. . Just another way to PUNISH those FORCED TO REGISTER !!.
I cannot speak to other services, but the Navy allows access after being vetted by regional JAGs and getting a signed letter from regional commanders. Took me several months so I hope my help to AL, through FAC made the process quicker for him. I will investigate and see if anything has changed since November 1, 2021 and post it here.
I have never been denied access. In fact I receive my medical services at the dispensary on Patrick Space Force Base…formerly Air Force Base/
When did you last go? The article states this was a new development that happened within the past weeks. I am not saying to stir anything up but next time you go, have a back up plan.
Jack, I went less than a week ago to get a haircut and pick up a few things in the exchange.
CAPT Munsie….have you gone there lately?…..
Yes. I go there almost weekly. My barber, who lives in Port St. John, works there. I use the exchange and commissary on a regular basis. My primary care provider is at the base dispensary.
Finally got ahold of my Mom , she verified that now everyone in the car has to show their ID. They had a friend with them that was not a RSO but did have a former crime on their record and they had to turn around as they would not let them on base with him in the car.
So she said it is not just sex offenses but were told any record. Maybe some bases are more relaxed but the one they go to is very thorough.
Capt…..any update about your status?….are you still allowed inside the base?…..
I went to Patrick just last week to get my prescripts refilled, get a haircut, and shop at the commissary.