ACSOL National Action Alert: Retired Military Registrants Denied Access to Military Bases – Were You Also Denied?
Two retired military registrants were denied access to military bases during the past seven days. One of the registrants was denied access to a Marine base while the other was denied access to a Navy base. The two registrants are retired from two different branches of the military — Air Force and Navy. Both attempted to access a military base in order to pick up one or more prescription medicines.
According to a document provided to one of the two registrants, the Marine Corps has a new screening and vetting process for persons entering a military facility that became effective on November 1. The process includes an all Service electronic Physical Security Access Control System that includes a list of all individuals listed on the National Sex Offender Registry. The document also states that screening and vetting of all persons entering a Marine Corps facility is “critical to ensuring the safety and security of those persons living and working aboard Marine Corps sites and the security of our resources and assets.”
“We do not know at this time the breadth of this exclusion, that is, whether it includes all branches of the military and whether it applies to the registrants’ dependents,” stated ACSOL Executive Director Janice Bellucci. “Litigation may be necessary in order to address this significant harm.”
ACSOL requests that anyone denied access to a military on or after November 1, 2021, contact Janice Bellucci by email at or by phone at (805) 896-7854.
Yet we allow all kind of people come across the boarder, ILLEGALLY, and our Gov. don’t seem to care about their background whether they are drug smugglers, Sex Trafficker’s or just plain bad people, and our Gov. want to pay them for being here! I would think anyone that does not have a dishonorable discharge and is a Veteran that served his/her country, should be able to have all the perks that was given to him/her for doing so. This action is just one more very PUNITIVE thing they keep piling on to the Registry !!! I’m beginning to think WEBSTER changed the definition of PUNITIVE and didn’t tell anyone. I would also say any law maker that can’t see what the REGISTRY is doing to peoples life and doesn’t want to address the problem , is no doubt guilty of something their self.
And there are also untold thousands of homeless vets all across this nation. Even though we all deserve to be treated fairly, certain perks are “EARNED” by serving your country. I do not think those perks should be stripped away just because you made a mistake as a civilian. And they wonder why there is such a high suicide rate among veterans.
Vietnam : My Father and two uncles (Made it out alive )
Dad US Navy
Uncles USMC
WWII : My Grandfather (Made it out alive)
U.S Army ( Buried in Florida National Cemetery )
Whatever u do if your on the registry they wont help you. You will be denied no matter the sacrifice you made.
I am retired Navy and was barred from the local base a few years back. It took some doing, but the system does allow the regional Commander (the Admiral) to, on a case by case basis, gain access to a base or bases for specific reasons.
I have reached out the Janice Bellucci and will share what I found out. Maybe it will help others.
Wait until they stop those who served / on registry, from entering the V.A hospitals or clinics. If those who served cannot have access to their benefits, something is wrong with this nation. (We already knew that).
I was born on a military base but lost my access once I turned 18 as I was no longer a dependent. But will stand with those who have the right to keep the benefits they served for & deserve more.
This is less likely with the VA. Military commanders can justify many things by claiming a security issue. Check
It is encouraging that the policy came as a legal analysis from the VA Office of General Counsel and not from the top of the bureaucracy.
It’s sad that the military has been duped into believing this registry crap; somehow they equate the SOR as a terrorist watch list.
Don’t forget all the rapes of female service personnel on military bases. None of the peeps were on a SO registry
Also includes airbases went to work at one by my employer and got denied access a week prior to the effective date the officer said it included all persons regardless of status
In my son’s plea it was clearly stated he would not be admitted to any military facility.