ACSOL Files SORNA Regulations Complaint with DOJ’s Inspector General


The Alliance for Constitutional Sex Offense Laws (ACSOL) today filed a complaint regarding the new SORNA regulations with the Inspector General of the U.S. Department of Justice. According to that complaint, the regulations are unlawful for several reasons.

First, the regulations are not based on empirical evidence which demonstrate that most individuals required to register no longer pose a current risk to society. This evidence includes studies conduct by and reports issued by both government and academic sources. Second, the regulations create an unfunded mandate upon both state and local governments such as multiple registrations each year for some individuals. Third, the regulations violate the federal commerce clause because they exceed the federal government’s jurisdiction regarding individuals.

Fourth, the regulations violate the First Amendment because they limit individuals’ right to free speech by requiring the disclosure of remote communication identifiers. This restriction has a chilling effect upon free speech. Fifth, the regulations fail to provide adequate due process to individuals in violation of the Fifth Amendment. Finally, the regulations are vague and ambiguous which make it difficult if not impossible to comply with.

17 thoughts on “ACSOL Files SORNA Regulations Complaint with DOJ’s Inspector General

  • January 12, 2022 at 7:15 pm

    Give ’em Hell, Janice!! She hammering DOJ on the many failings of new SORNA Requirements!!

  • January 12, 2022 at 7:41 pm

    Where can we read the letter?

  • January 12, 2022 at 10:07 pm

    This sounds amazing. A powerful well known group not just going after the Government on one issue, but SIX. Even if we get some satisfaction on one of the 6 points of concern, that is a start. We as a collective, and as individuals are getting tired of the retroactive BS continually added to our burden almost every session since the registry was formed.
    The more we allow them to get away with, the more freedom they will take from us. Time for re-enforcements and prepare to hit back with everything we got. Go team go!

  • January 12, 2022 at 10:45 pm

    I hope this helps us to get that boulder pushed up the hill. One thing just came to mind from another post is can we challenge why is it that the registration requires us to report changes to the registry within 48 hrs of that change. Yet some sheriff offices are not even open within that time frame or other Sheriff offices require you to make an appointment. Which an appointment would most certainly put us far outside that 48hrs. The reply that I got in some cases was “Oh you’re good, you have an appointment now”. It’s almost like they can just do it however and whenever they want but our heads is on the chopping block not their’s. Then let you forget to change your address on your DL and they are not as forgiving? Which is what happened in my case.. Like forgetting to change my address on my license in certain amount of time is a huge threat to the safety of society? Especially when everything was and is always current on my registry. There has to be something unconstitutional about the offices not being available 7 days a week. Though, they can arrest you 7 days a week. Yet, not be available to cover your behind 7 days a week? I guess the budget has something to do with that. However, not our problem that politicians/litigators make up all these rules without playing the tape out and seeing where it will go before hand.

  • January 13, 2022 at 10:41 am

    Let’s go Janice and crew!! May they be the roundup that starts the death of the registry. Good luck!!

  • January 13, 2022 at 11:44 am

    Thank you Janice!! And all those who keep fighting for us. We appreciate you all!

    And donate when you can. None of this is possible without money!

    • January 13, 2022 at 3:57 pm


      My parents, my brother, my girlfriend’s parents and her siblings, Anne and I all donated to the cause. Right now I’m not focused on what’s happening in a certain state but nationally. It’s time to kick our government’s bullying to the curb. I’m tired of this crap and registrants being scared of their own shadow; which is one reason we are in this mess. Stand up, Show up, and speak out!!

  • January 13, 2022 at 5:02 pm

    I submitted a complaint to them more than 3 months ago. No response. Not discouraged but not hopeful either. Don’t get your hope up because it’s likely the feds won’t respond at all. Even complained to my so called representatives in Congress for help in dealing with the IG. They just said go hire a lawyer. But I can’t afford a lawyer.

    • January 13, 2022 at 9:38 pm

      To: Just saying

      Speaking of lawyers, they are the only ones winning in all this. As a lawyer, you get paid regardless if you win or lose. Not saying they don’t deserve to be paid, but maybe we should have all become lawyers, you win even if you lose.

      • January 14, 2022 at 9:25 am

        Thanks Cherokee,

        My IG complaint followed one I sent to the Civil Rights/Civil Liberties division of the DOJ. I even wrote to my respective members in congress. One senators office hasn’t responded and the other was very dismissive. I presented all of them undeniable proof that a federal agent lied under oath in my case. The feds don’t care. That’s the problem. There is no accountability whatsoever. Meanwhile, my life is ruined and I’m holding on by a thread.

        • January 18, 2022 at 2:03 am

          Leave the U.S. like many of us have! All of EU’s Schengen, and their Caribbean owned islands know about our plight, and will grant you residency if you request it! Also, the EU has a law that stipulates that you are no longer a sex offender once you pass your 10 year mark of conviction!

          Think way outside of the box you have chosen to remain in, folks! I am riding out this pandemic in very beautiful Pokhara, Nepal where people rarely even wear masks! Abandon the U.S. in it’s current state and form, and go learn to Sail! Travel the World we are marooned on, and don’t look back! I set sail out of New York City in February of 2019! Nepal is landlocked, so I flew here on January 1st of 2020 when news of the coming pandemic was flying all over the airwaves of Hong Kong, where I had lived for six months of 2019!

          • January 18, 2022 at 12:46 pm

            Carey, do you have any more information about the law you mentioned in the EU? My conviction was in 2009. So, I’m past the 10 year mark of which you speak. I want out!

    • January 14, 2022 at 9:42 pm

      It is pretty bad/pathetic when you have to sue your own government in order to have your right’s recognized…and even then you will most likely NOT get them! FJB

  • January 14, 2022 at 6:02 am


    Please Remember, When These Updated Regulations Were Announced, They Were Pushed Through Right Before Congress Adjourned For Their 2021 Holiday Recess…And There Was No Deliberation By Congress…Because, Upon Congress’s Holiday Recess, 2 Days Later, The Regulations WENT INTO EFFECT.
    So Politicians Holding the ‘Timing Button’ Are The Ones To Ask Why They Did This….

    • January 14, 2022 at 8:12 am

      Even if Congress didn’t ram this through would they have a serious debate or just business as usual with a floor vote. Registrants and registration laws have become a hot emotional topic that they created. I believe they want the courts to clean up their mess, so they can blame it on them and not themselves. Yes I know I sound naive, but I’m the king of wishful thinking.

  • January 14, 2022 at 10:37 am

    Hopefully one day in my lifetime I will be able to see the light of day. Having to live constantly looking over my shoulder, threats to me and my family, and new draconian laws taking away more and more freedom each day. It is so unfortunate that not enough people seem to care about what politicians, police, and vigilantes do to us without penalty, and law enforcement always looks the other way. It is nice to see these lawsuits begin but do they ever come to fruition? Wish we had support groups for registrants to just go and speak our peace and have other people actually understand what we have been through.

    Does anyone know what lawyers have fought for people to be removed from the Florida registry after they moved out of state?

  • January 15, 2022 at 3:53 pm

    While I would imagine this will probably fall on deaf ears, I do believe that a few politicians are trying to run the registry in the ground. Other’s I believe are trying to see just how far they can push it until people fight back, and then we have those who are vengeful or simply out to stay in office. It’s really coming down to how much we as a society will stand, and convincing those who are misinformed and neutral to help, while the vengeful people will probably never be convinced. Humans are human, and can be sympathetic or destructive in intentions.


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