The Florida Action Committee, Inc. (FAC), a non-profit advocacy group whose mission is to educate the media, public, and legislators with facts versus myths about sex offenders, hereby sets forth the following Code of Conduct governing its membership.


FAC has put forth this Code of Conduct as a set of guiding principles that acts as a framework for the behavior of our Members. It requires that our Members adhere to the values we share in our common mission to reform sex offender laws and the registry in Florida and requires Members conduct themselves with honesty, respect and responsibility.


While this document sets forth a guideline and required Member Code of Conduct, FAC’s Bylaws and Articles of Incorporation shall supersede any contradiction or inconsistency that may exist between this Code of Conduct and our corporate documents.



  1. Adherence to Laws – Despite the fact that FAC advocates for change to certain laws, while these laws are in effect, Members may not break the law or participate in any activity that violates Federal, State or Local laws or encourage another to do so.


  1. Dealing with Others – Members are required to treat other FAC Members, politicians, police, probation officers, treatment providers, members of the media as well as all third parties with whom FAC interacts, with respect, dignity, honesty and fairness.


Threatening, insubordinate, violent or obscene behavior by any Member will not be tolerated.  Any conduct that encourages or permits an offensive or hostile environment will not be tolerated.  Members are expected to communicate with candor, courtesy and respect.


Members must realize that Registered Citizens are already perceived in an unfavorable light and for that reason we must conduct ourselves in a manner that reflects the highest ethical standards and most professional conduct in order to strengthen the public’s perception.


  1. No Representation of Organization – No member is permitted to represent FAC, verbally or in writing, at any time, without prior approval of the Board of Directors.


Members will not speak as “a representative of FAC”, “on behalf of FAC”, or represent or imply that they are authorized to act on behalf of FAC or that their personal views or opinions represent those of FAC to any third party, to the media or in a public forum without the prior knowledge and approval of the Board of Directors of FAC.


If a Member receives approval from the Board of Directors of FAC and is speaking as a FAC member, their comments must reflect current organizational policy and positions even when these do not agree with the Member’s personal views.


Members must understand that statements or representations that can be perceived by the recipient (whether the statement is authorized or not) can potentially result in liability and civil or criminal action against FAC.


Notwithstanding the foregoing, Members still maintain all rights to speak or express their personal views as a private citizen, but may not make such statements in conjunction with reference to FAC.


  1. No Conflict of Interest – Members may not engage in any activity that conflicts with the mission or goals of FAC. Members may not engage in any self-dealing or create a circumstance that might be viewed by others as a conflict of interest. If a member is uncertain whether a conflict exists, the Member must consult the Board of Directors of FAC and abide by their decision.


  1. FAC is NOT a Law Firm – FAC is an advocacy group, FAC is NOT a law firm, we do not employ attorneys, we are neither qualified nor legally permitted to provide legal advice or representation to Members or any individuals. FAC’s legal committee focuses on legal issues that concern registrants in general, and affect a significant number of our population. FAC does NOT and CAN NOT focus on individual criminal cases or personal legal issues and is not authorized, nor has the financial means to finance an individual’s legal challenge.


FAC does work with attorneys and legal aid organizations, to which we provide legal support, research, access to studies and experts and through which we are plaintiffs in lawsuits filed on behalf of our entire membership (not individual Members).


  1. Referrals to Third Parties – FAC maintains a list of private attorneys, forensic psychologists, treatment providers and other third parties who FAC has identified as experts in sex offender issues and who have experience in cases dealing with registrants. Many of these referrals can be found on the resource page of the FAC website.


It is important to note that these individuals are NOT employees of FAC, nor have they committed to provide services to FAC members for free, at a discounted rate or even to take on a Member as a client at all.


Members should respect the time of these professionals and not contact them seeking free professional advice. Members, if retaining a third-party professional listed on our website, guest speaker on a member call or referral from another FAC Member, should expect to pay a fee to the expert for their services and it is best practice to get a clear and candid understanding of what that will be at the inception of the call. FAC receives no remuneration for referrals.


  1. Contacting FAC – FAC invites members to contact our organization through a number of methods:
    1. If you have a general question that others may benefit from a response to; you should submit it to the FAQ section of our website.
    2. If you have a specific question; you may:
      1. Email info@floridaactioncommittee.org, legal@floridaactioncommitte.org, membership@floridaactioncommittee.org (as appropriate)
      2. submit your question or concern through the contact us page on our website. Or


The aforementioned contact methods are the only appropriate contact methods to reach FAC, a committee chair, an officer, or a member of the Board of Directors. Calling an individual on their personal phones or through a personal email is NOT appropriate. If a Member obtains a personal phone number or personal email belonging to a committee chair, officer or member of the Board of Directors through a response to an inquiry or was invited to call for a specific issue, that does not constitute permission to contact that individual for any other matter.


The appropriate individual or department will respond to all inquiries as soon as possible, subject to other priorities and within general working hours.


It is important for Members to realize that FAC has no staff or employees. All of our committee chairs, officers and members of our Board of Directors are volunteers. Even if you feel your issue only involves one question or takes only two minutes to address, please keep in mind FAC has hundreds of other members who feel exactly the same way.


  1. Conduct on Member Calls – FAC conducts monthly Member calls that are open to our Membership. The purpose of these calls is to inform Members of FAC business and topics concerning registered citizens. All Members are invited to participate by calling in to the call-in information that is provided on our website. If a Member elects to participate, that Member must adhere to the following rules:
    1. Members must announce their first name and county when joining the call. It’s in our best interest to ensure that vigilantes and non-members are quickly removed from the call, which is why all participants must announce themselves.
    2. Only use first names and don’t provide any personally identifying information about yourself or any other participant.
    3. Mute your phone when not speaking. Since we can have dozens of people in conference during these calls, it is important that background noise and distractions be kept to a minimum.
    4. All questions should relate to the topic of the call. Each call has a set topic or guest speaker. Questions must relate to the topic of the call.
    5. FAC’s general code of conduct applies to member calls as well, including courtesy and professionalism to other Members and guests.


  1. Non-Disclosure of Confidential Information – Members may, from time to time, come to learn information that is Confidential to FAC. Disclosure of such information can be harmful to the interests of FAC. All information discussed during FAC member calls or amongst FAC Members, concerning corporate matters, financial matters, legal matters, or any other FAC business shall be held in the strictest of confidence and shall not be divulged to any outside party without written prior authorization by the Board of Directors.


  1. Failure to Adhere to this Code of Conduct – Any breach of this Code of Conduct may result in the revocation of one’s membership in FAC. The decision to revoke any membership shall be made by a vote of the Board of Directors.




Adopted by the Board of Directors of Florida Action Committee, Inc., this 5th day of April 2016.

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