UPDATED – A Tribute to a Hero – Capt. Charles “Bob” Munsey


Updated 12/14/2023 –

Watch Bob do what he loved – restore and fly planes. News 13 story.

View Obituary and the Tribute page where you can share your memories of Bob or send condolences to the family.

It is with great sadness that we say good bye to Capt. Charles “Bob” Munsey who passed away on 12/8/2023 after months of battling illnesses.

Bob will be remembered as fighter, not just for himself but for the movement. He was proud of his country, serving 29 Years in the US Navy. In September 2023, friends arranged for Bob to receive a Quilt of Valor from a Veteran’s group, and he was so honored to be recognized for his service.

He attended countless FAC Meet-and-Greets where he loved to share stories of encouragement with members.  He stood up for his rights, and won several personal challenges.  He was a plaintiff in a lawsuit against Brevard County, and gave his settlement award to the FAC General Legal Fund because, as he said “I didn’t do this for myself, I did it for all registered citizens and the families, and we have to keep fighting.”

Bob sent letters to hundreds of a representatives, commissioners, sheriffs, public officials, and anyone that he identified as needing to be educated on the facts.  He often had a stack of letters on his table, ready to be mailed.

In addition to his advocacy work, Bob was the author of  “GeezerPolitics” a blog that he started in 2015 to provide encouragement to those who have lost confidence in the church. He often carried his binders of articles with him everywhere and was happy to discuss his view of “Politics in the Church.”   He wrote “If God’s truth offends, so be it. I feel blessed to have received this motivation.”  His last post was on March 30, 2023,

God has taken him in and not forsaken his soul. May he rest in peace.

He will be missed by many.

39 thoughts on “UPDATED – A Tribute to a Hero – Capt. Charles “Bob” Munsey

  • December 9, 2023

    I only knew of him from the comments section. He’ll be missed.

    • December 9, 2023

      Huge loss…Thank you for your service to this country! Thank you for your courage in fighting with & for us! Thanks most of all for putting your faith on display and reminding us that we still have worth in God’s eyes even if society doesn’t. Rest in peace in the arms of your Savior, Captain, you deserve it!

    • December 10, 2023

      Non Sibi Sed Patriae

      Bravo Zulu Skipper!

  • December 9, 2023

    Wow so sad to hear this I didn’t know him but respected his contributions to the forum. It’s sad to serve your country with honor and know it hates you

  • December 9, 2023

    I will miss his commentary on the issues that we face everyday RIP Captain Muncey you fought the good fight

  • December 9, 2023

    Thank you for your service. 🇺🇸 You fought the good fight in so many way – RIP

  • December 9, 2023

    This hurts!! I met Bob on several occasions and am very saddened.

    Please send my condolences to his family. 🙁

  • December 9, 2023

    While I don’t know the gentlemen personally it is always sad to hear of someone passing away. Yes the Capt. is at peace now and yes he was caught up in this registry ordeal as many were in different ways. He always believed in justice thou. I’m sure he was a good advocate for the cause.
    Even fighting for a cause for truth and justice is always good. May he rest in peace.

  • December 10, 2023

    A fighter, a friend. Bob always had a joke, a laugh. But when it came to fight he was there all the time. He honored his country, was a naval captain but most of all a man who taught me the right in the fight . He loved the Lord and spread His word wherever he went. He will be missed by many.
    His battle his won, he is finally home.

  • December 10, 2023

    RIP and my condolences to his family. He fought the good fight.

  • December 10, 2023

    I was wondering what had happened to him as he stopped coming into the forum. We even exchanged phone #s and were going to meet but we lived several hours away from each other and never got to met up for coffee.
    Like we have said in the past, this might be the only way some of us can be free of the registry. And I hope and pray his family is able to get him removed from the horrible list now that he is physically free.

    Thank you for your service to the Navy, we had a connection because I was born on a Navy base.
    * Speak to the Big guy for us up there about our situation down here.

  • December 10, 2023

    He was part of the plaintiffs who sued to be allowed to attend the Brevard county city meeting. When they won he donated his lawsuit money to FAC. I think that small gesture summed it up pretty well. He was a positive influence on registrants who will be greatly be missed. I wish his family the best.

  • December 10, 2023

    RIP Captain! Thank you for your service! Thank you for your dedication! He helped me and my family when I first joined FAC and anytime there was a question/concern/whatever, he was there to help or say have you tried going to this place, or this place? He was a tremendous asset to Brevard County to fight for all members, not just himself! He is now at peace and joined with his wife. Condolences to his loved ones, friends 😢

  • December 10, 2023

    His comments on this site were already missed and I am sorry to hear he has passed. I was looking forward to his words returning one day here. I had the pleasure of meeting him and his determination and optimism was so encouraging. I pray his family finds comfort with each other and in their memories and love for one another during this difficult time. May you be resting in peace Capt. Thank you for your service.

  • December 10, 2023

    May the good that he did go with him. For where he has gone that is the only thing that will be brought up. He will get another opportunity to prove himself, minus the hate filled rhetoric of this world.

  • December 10, 2023

    I wonder how long it takes them to at least update on the registry to say he is deceased. I just looked and it still states he is an active registrant 🙁
    Beyond that, I pray his family can get him removed permanently now. A friend of my parents was finally removed but it took almost a year.

  • December 10, 2023

    Bravo Zulu, Sir

  • December 10, 2023

    Bob was a well respected humble man. He never gave up the fight to end the registry. With his powerful words, Courageous Action and determination he leaves a legacy like no other. Captain Bob Munsey may you rest in peace. Fly high my friend we will take it from here.

  • December 10, 2023

    He’s finally free.

    Rest in peace, Captain. You were an inspiration and example for the rest of us.

  • December 10, 2023

    When I didn’t think I could write one more letter..I met Captain Munsey..he was so strong and positive that we all are making a difference… Thank you.

  • December 10, 2023

    When someone asked me if I heard the news about Captain Munsey, I said, “What about Bob?” When I learned he’d left, I said “No Way!” I’m still sweating. He’s been my hero since he got the award at the NARSOL conference in Houston. We’ll see you soon, Bob.

  • December 10, 2023

    RIP Captain.

  • December 10, 2023

    My deepest condolences to his family, he was a good guy and will be missed. Thank you Bob for your service.

  • December 10, 2023

    I had lunch with the Captain a few times. We were regulars at this Chinese place and he loved the pepper steak there, sometimes having it done up in a little bit different way. We would sometimes eat at local hambubger joint too.

    It was during these occasions he helped me look at registration in a completely different light. When I lost my job and told him I was looking for work and stuff, he was also very supportive.

    At times life gave him a beat down, but he knew was it was – God was just testing him.

    Instead of being sad at his passing, let’s be inspired by this man, remember this difference he made, and carry on his spirit of working for a better tomorrow.

  • December 11, 2023

    Your work is done here, soldier. Be at peace and go with God so that others may pick up the battles where you left off.

    • December 11, 2023

      Sailor on Earth, Soldier in God’s army.

  • December 11, 2023

    Godspeed, Captain Munsey! You’ll be sorely missed.

  • December 12, 2023

    I think Bob’s death is a good opportunity to share something that has been bothering me for a long time. Many of us suffer with loneliness, depression, anxiety and fear of that knock on the door stating we are not in compliance or that some new law says we can retroactively go back to prison.
    Yes there are therapy groups for sex offenders, but most of them are run by probation. It would be cool if we could get some groups together for monthly meetings in person and share our ideas, thoughts, pains, and support each other with wisdom, love and encouragement. The only ones I have to talk to are my parents and I hate upsetting my Mom and my Dad wants to pretend nothing ever happened.
    I know if I ever get off the registry, I would be more involved, but for now I live in the shadows, and it is very isolating, lonely, and depressive.
    And to Bob, speak to the Father for us about getting us a victory or else wise, many of us might just be joining you sooner than later. Let’s not let Bob’s death go un-noticed, nor his service. I remember him writing about how he was eventually denied access to the base due to his registry status, even though he has been going without incident for years.

    *(Many registrants have depression and give up, and many like myself, have medical issues and either cannot afford treatment or are fired by doctors offices once they find out we are a registrant, they send me generic letters explaining they are trimming patients, yeah right)

    • December 12, 2023

      It would be nice to have support groups in every county and hopefully every town in Florida. Not just open to people on the registry, but open to any one who may be suffering from issues of a sexual nature. A great mind once said, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” And, I believe support groups can be that ounce of prevention. Let’s just keep talking about this until it gains traction and one day we can pass away knowing that we did everything we could to help the world be a better place!

      • December 12, 2023

        Unfortunately, the U.S. and Florida prefer incarceration rather than prevention. Think of the victims that would be spared if we followed Canada’s and Europe’s emphasis on prevention.

    • December 15, 2023

      The Mens BRITE group will be starting soon. There is not enough support out there. Please email me at fac.region8a@gmail.com and ill get you the info.

      • December 16, 2023

        Thanks, I will keep this email and contact you I feel ready.
        Much love and peace
        Cherokee Jack

    • December 28, 2023

      Isolated, Depressed, Hermit ??? Describes my life exactly. And as for our “Legacy”, HA !!. NOTHING we can or will do, Will EVER supersede our “Status on the Registry” !! I’ve learned this many years ago!!. I own a SMALL STRUGGLING Business that I’m slowly loosing, BUT, Even tho I don’t make ANY Profits (every penny goes to Insurance and Repairs), I STILL do things for FREE for my community!!!. Always have and always will, It’s just what I was put here to do !. BUT even after doing MANY MANY things for FREE, Getting up at 2am to help someone that never pays me, I’m STILL the “Black Sheep Pariah !!!!. The SAME PEOPLE I’ve HELPED SEVERAL TIMES FOR FREE, Don’t even invite me to ‘Christmas Parties, Halloween Parties, Or ANY Group gathering!!!!!. They “ACCIDENTALLY FORGOT” But never FORGET ME when they need help !?!?!?. I’m sure many of us on here KNOW THAT AWFUL FEELING INSIDE, When you drive by and see your neighbors having a “Community Event” or “FRIENDS” having a Party or Event, That YOU WEREN’T INVITED TO !!!!!!. For those who don’t know that feeling, Let me tell you, IT SUUUUUUCKS !!!! !!!!!!!. Then you see one of them at the store, Oh Hey What’s up “BUDDY” !!!! How are we supposed to reply ?!?!?!???. 🤬!!. I always bite my tongue 👅. As I pray that one day people will see me for who I REALLY AM, Instead of what some “LIST” says I am !!. I don’t LIE, Never have and never will, BUT I “Fib” and say ohh I was “BUSY” anyway!!. A “LIE” is what got me on this “Registry” as the girl LIED ABOUT HER AGE and even had a “Fake” ID !! (Yes those were pretty common 20 years ago, Before all this NEW security stuff). So ending this “Rant” What I’m saying is, NO MATTER WHAT “GOOD” WE DO, When we die, The article will ALWAYS read “Sex Offender Dies” !!! Because people see those words INSTEAD of “Good Man/Hero/Humanitarian PASSES AWAY!!!

      Needed to say more but ran outta space. Just wanted to say THANK YOU And R.I.P Cap !!. May your family and friends Walk Tall in your memory!!!.

      • December 28, 2023

        I just want to say that I, too, run a small business. I never do anything for free. It’s a business and I am in business to make money. The things I do for free are part of my charitable giving. The two are different.
        In my business I charge a reasonable fee for the things I do like tax preparation, financial advice and the like.
        One other thing………..I moved out of Florida and am now free. Free to go and live where I choose. There are no knocks on my door unless from a friend. There is no residency restriction. I go anywhere and enjoy everything.
        Florida sucks……..I will never go there again.

        • December 29, 2023

          You’re right Vince. Florida is definitely one of the toughest states for anyone on the registry. A lot of work needs to be done there. Captain Munsey’s death is a terrible loss for the registrants in Florida. He was a hero in every sense of the word and will be missed.

  • December 12, 2023

    So let us all remember the NEVER giving up spirit of Capt. Munsey. Let us all encourage one another, just like Capt. Munsey did every opportunity he was given. He set a great example and his family should be proud. Remember, just inspiring one person when they need it the most, can not only save their life but also change the world in countless ways! Capt. Munsey saved many lives through his encouraging spirit and spreading the gospel!! Let us all live up to the LEGACY of Capt. Munsey!!!

    • December 14, 2023

      Thanks for sharing the link, I left a comment on the memorial site.

  • December 19, 2023

    Rest in pease Cap. Read many of his responses over the years and he was ever the thoughtful, compassionate dude. He will be missed.
    I am looking for fellow registrants to meet with, talk to and share information about what lyes ahead for us.
    Used to subscribe to that wonderful magazine for registered persons, but it is now defunct.
    If anyone on the treasure coast down to homestead ever wants to just get together and have some lunch or coffee and talk, please feel free to contact me.
    It is lonely doing this on your own and even though I have a supportive family, it’s just not the same.


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