‘A living hell’: Former federal inmates describe years of sexual abuse by prison officers

Three survivors of sexual assault in federal prison described years of horrific abuse by prison staffers who used their unfettered access to vulnerable inmates and threatened them with retaliation if they reported the attacks.

All three former inmates, their voices cracking with emotion, told a Senate investigative panel Tuesday that the federal Bureau of Prisons had failed them and often shielded their attackers from accountability.

Senate committee Chairman Jon Ossoff, D-Ga., said the investigation also concluded that the Bureau of Prisons system has so far proved incapable of detecting and preventing such attacks.

“This situation is intolerable,” Ossoff said. “It is cruel and unusual punishment.”

The panel’s inquiry is yet another assessment of the agency’s systemic failure to ensure the safety of inmates, especially women.

Last week, a former warden of a California federal prison, known as the “rape club,” was convicted on eight criminal counts for his abuse of three inmates.


4 thoughts on “‘A living hell’: Former federal inmates describe years of sexual abuse by prison officers

  • December 14, 2022

    The registry failed them as well.

    • December 14, 2022

      So much for the PREA!

  • December 14, 2022

    Hiring standards are lower in Corrections/Prison Staffing. This is why it took so long to give Prison Guards a badge. To this day they are not recognized as “Law Enforcement” Even though they are under FDLE.. because of BS like this.

    If you ask me Everyone on that shift and post at or near where the abuse took place is guilty. Either by keeping their silence or failing to take notice.

  • December 14, 2022

    I thought the “WHOLE IDEA” behind “The Registry” was so that it PROTECTED EVERYONE FROM SEXUALLY DANGEROUS PEOPLE ?? .!The Real TRUTH is, It ALL ABOUT THE MONEY !!!!.!.! It’s past time something should be done with this “CORRUPT SYSTEM” We call “Law Enforcement” !!.. Cops break more laws than the “Citizens” do !!..


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