A law intended to identify the whereabouts of sexual predators has backfired.

“A law intended to identify the whereabouts of sexual predators has backfired.” The statement is an excerpt from a story that appeared on Jacksonville.com about the unintended consequences of residency restrictions in Duval County.

The article points out that the well intended yet completely counterproductive law has put the public safety at risk.

Limited housing options for registered citizens has caused them to cluster in limited areas or have left them with noplace to go other than the woods or under a bridge. While some may consider this a suitable punishment for these individuals, the law intended to let the public know of the whereabouts of these citizens is doing just the opposite… now the public has no clue where they are.

Of the 290 sexual predators living in Duval County, 36 individuals are listed as “transient.” That means they have no designated street address where you can find them.

As the report accurately states; the laws are designed to fail and after decades and countless studies proving they have failed, it’s safe to say that they have backfired!

The opinion piece was the first of a three-part series, with the next two coming out this weekend.

3 thoughts on “A law intended to identify the whereabouts of sexual predators has backfired.

  • September 23, 2016 at 11:35 am

    A none contact offender. Off probation for 15 year, livelihood has no clue.

  • September 23, 2016 at 12:31 pm

    Wow what a great series. I look forward to reading the next 2. I live in Jax and personally know a few ex offenders listed as predators and it is nearly impossible for them to live. Why not do the 3-tier system that most other reasonable states have adopted?? Why just the 2 category very vague system here in Florida? So, hopefully this will continue to give our fight some steam and get rid of these residency restrictions. But I also wish we could get rid of these stupid holiday ordinances here in Jax as well.

  • September 27, 2016 at 5:44 pm

    16 years ago got myself knee deep in a chat room sting operation. Was advised by my counsel that a plea would prevent my going to jail even though I had, by definition, no victim and I could ask to have it all dismissed in 10 years. Well I live in Jacksonville and have lost a few great careers because of my one time screw up. I am unable to obtain a clearance because DOHA believes that the registry acts as a life time method of probation and a clearance will not be issued to anyone in a parole or probation situation. I have been off supervision almost 15 years without so much as a parking ticket. I submitted paperwork to get my rights reinstated to vote. That was 7 years ago. I was told it will be a few more years before they get to my case. UGGHHH Where does it end?


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