A Culture Without the Possibility of Redemption Is a Toxic Culture

We’ve reached a dangerous moment in our culture where we assume a frozen ideal, a state of arrested development, from which no growth or improvement are assumed possible. Because growth cannot happen without the necessary ingredients of redemption, forgiveness and self-forgiveness. If we’re not allowed to learn from our mistakes, atone for them, become better people, then we can grow neither individually nor collectively. After all, the great documents we live by assume a progression — whether it’s the never-ending journey toward “a more perfect union” or Martin Luther King’s “arc of the moral universe” bending toward justice — and even our Constitution had amendments.

We all want change, both for ourselves and for our society. And for that to happen, we have to create a culture in which we’re allowed to be forgiven and learn from our mistakes. That means forgiving others, and forgiving ourselves. Our purpose in life isn’t to be perfect, but to always strive and work toward becoming better. When our technology works against this fundamental drive, we need to re-evaluate our relationship with technology and ask ourselves if we are allowing it to create a dystopian world no one would want to live in, fueling conflict and hate and shrinking our humanity.


16 thoughts on “A Culture Without the Possibility of Redemption Is a Toxic Culture

  • September 8, 2021

    Not sure how to equate cited article with our population as it was not about our specific crimes. As we all know, there are always special “carve-outs” in Floriduh legislation and law to prevent us from enjoying any relief or benefits given to elder abusers, aggravated assaulters and even hate crime committers.

    I think this statement best reflects what the world thinks of us:

    “The Gainesville Police Department recognizes that child exploitation is the most heinous of crimes that could be committed.”


    There you have it, child exploitation IS WORSE THAN MURDER.

  • September 2, 2021


    That’s because people assume all on the registry are dangerous; which our government has taught them while other criminals are okay. Hysteria and fear has been bought hook, line, and sinker of the general public. We have to have fisherwomen/fishermen who aren’t afraid of uncharted waters and claim the fears are unfounded with facts that the waters are safe.

    • September 3, 2021


      Yeah I once made a comparison.
      They (Whoever they are) say Watching porn is said to lead to physical rape.
      Well that is like saying all people who smoke pot will eventually transition to cocaine.

      Although both can occasionally happen, that does not mean it is a given. But hey, the public LOVES a sensationalized story. To Hell with the facts right? because facts are boring and the news wants a story that wins them a broadcasting award.

      Here for anyone who cares is the Journalist creed written in 1914:

      The Journalist’s Creed
      I believe in the profession of journalism.

      I believe that the public journal is a public trust; that all connected with it are, to the full measure of their responsibility, trustees for the public; that acceptance of a lesser service than the public service is betrayal of this trust.

      I believe that clear thinking and clear statement, accuracy and fairness are fundamental to good journalism.

      I believe that a journalist should write only what he holds in his heart to be true.

      I believe that suppression of the news, for any consideration other than the welfare of society, is indefensible.

      I believe that no one should write as a journalist what he would not say as a gentleman; that bribery by one’s own pocketbook is as much to be avoided as bribery by the pocketbook of another; that individual responsibility may not be escaped by pleading another’s instructions or another’s dividends.

      I believe that advertising, news and editorial columns should alike serve the best interests of readers; that a single standard of helpful truth and cleanness should prevail for all; that the supreme test of good journalism is the measure of its public service.

      I believe that the journalism which succeeds best — and best deserves success — fears God and honors Man; is stoutly independent, unmoved by pride of opinion or greed of power, constructive, tolerant but never careless, self-controlled, patient, always respectful of its readers but always unafraid, is quickly indignant at injustice; is unswayed by the appeal of privilege or the clamor of the mob; seeks to give every man a chance and, as far as law and honest wage and recognition of human brotherhood can make it so, an equal chance; is profoundly patriotic while sincerely promoting international good will and cementing world-comradeship; is a journalism of humanity, of and for today’s world.

  • September 2, 2021

    Everything about the legal system is toxic from law enforcement, DA’s, judges, parole/probation officers and departments, and mass incarceration. All of it is meant to cause people to fail instead of helping them succeed even if they’ve done wrong. Retribution justice needs to stop and restorative justice needs to begin.

    • September 2, 2021


      Wait though……………………

      Why do other ex felons including Murderers get programs, jobs, rental assistance, Get featured on shows about redemption etc.
      But mention anything related to a sexual crime no matter how big or trivial, and the gates of Hell open wide for us all to be cast into the burning embers.

      15 ex felons could live on our streets and we would never know otherwise. But when someone on the registry moves in, it is put on the internet, facebook, nextdoor, flyers, gossipers etc spread the word without even researching how long ago the offense was and how severe or minor it was.

      And I won’t even go into the physical, mental and social attacks we receive just trying to live our lives because of the target on Not only our lives, but those of anyone living in our house. Spouses, kids, extended family, visitors, roommates etc. all face being harmed in some way.

      Restoration, redemption and healing cannot happen when the obstacle put before us has no solution, no road or pathway to freedom, and no chance of hope.

      My faith is in God and my family is what keeps me moving forward the best I can.

        • September 3, 2021


          That is one of the top 10 oddest stories I have ever seen. Maybe just behind the fact we left so many Americans stranded in Kabul.

          I guess I will move to San Francisco, I could live off of the don’t shoot me money program.

        • September 3, 2021

          “Why do other ex felons including Murderers get programs, jobs, rental assistance, Get featured on shows about redemption etc.”

          It’s because people that don’t have a voice and resources are easily controlled and subjugated for political fodder.

  • September 1, 2021

    This is what “woke” culture is all about. Group think and group conformity.

    If you deviate from the herd in any way (thought – behavior – expressed values), you are shunned/cancelled – and just as with the SO registry – you are marked for life with no possibility of returning to your former status in the society, group, tribe, what have you.

    How UN-American and a true pity that a very vocal minority want to destroy America. They will not succeed.

  • September 1, 2021

    Meanwhile, FAC and members should be interested in the plan that the Florida Police Chiefs Assn has to create more transparency and better relationships with the public. As people forced to register as sex offenders, we are members of the public. I wonder how the police chiefs will be transparent about their stings and registry compliance. My bet is, they won’t be transparent at all but will instead keep the public at large in fear of us. See

    Florida Police Chiefs Association unveil plans to build community trust, ensure transparency

  • September 1, 2021

    Still do not understand how a court can rule the registry is not punishment, when no other group of people in the U.S can be arrested for the so called “Registry” violations. The list of things that can get you arrested is so numerous that a Harvard Professor could not wrap their mind around all the loop holes and traps that exist for us to fall into the rabbit hole.

    I dare say an abyss, so deep that no one can recover from it, as the punishment (There is that non punishment word again) is so severe that the sentence is often more time than we got for an actual crime or act.

    Name any other rules that citizens have to follow that only a select group of people can be arrested for. For something EVERYONE else can do and NOT be arrested. The fact that the court time and time again finds being arrested for rules retroactively forced upon NON punitive in nature is beyond insane.

    We all know why the judges do this. Once you cross that unspoken line of siding with sex offenders, you are forever labeled along with them. Look at the mess in Michigan. That judge changes their mind on weekly bases on the registry ruling. So much so, even the lawyers and law makers do not know what to make of it.

    Some opinions and many facts. If you are being impacted by all this, then hopefully you mostly agree. Feel free to comment or challenge what I stated. Peace!

    • September 2, 2021


      There are doing the same here and I think it’s a joke. Law enforcement need to stop killing people, having power trips, and engaging in shady practices. If a cop does these things they need to be held accountable just like anyone else. Good cops need to stand up against abuses in their departments. Constitutional sheriffs are nothing more than bloated egos with a badge and a gun acting like God.


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