A Culture Without the Possibility of Redemption Is a Toxic Culture

We’ve reached a dangerous moment in our culture where we assume a frozen ideal, a state of arrested development, from which no growth or improvement are assumed possible. Because growth cannot happen without the necessary ingredients of redemption, forgiveness and self-forgiveness. If we’re not allowed to learn from our mistakes, atone for them, become better people, then we can grow neither individually nor collectively. After all, the great documents we live by assume a progression — whether it’s the never-ending journey toward “a more perfect union” or Martin Luther King’s “arc of the moral universe” bending toward justice — and even our Constitution had amendments.

We all want change, both for ourselves and for our society. And for that to happen, we have to create a culture in which we’re allowed to be forgiven and learn from our mistakes. That means forgiving others, and forgiving ourselves. Our purpose in life isn’t to be perfect, but to always strive and work toward becoming better. When our technology works against this fundamental drive, we need to re-evaluate our relationship with technology and ask ourselves if we are allowing it to create a dystopian world no one would want to live in, fueling conflict and hate and shrinking our humanity.


16 thoughts on “A Culture Without the Possibility of Redemption Is a Toxic Culture

  • September 10, 2021

    Lets see a culture without redemption. Sounds like overthrow of governmental abuse. And they say its for public safety, or they are protecting the community. I think they are playing slience of the Lamb backwards. Even Cherokee has redeaming qualities or a dude with purple and green hair that is an X member of the mod squad or hit squad.

    An ex police officer wrote me about 6 yrs ago via the internet and said they are just giving these guys the oppertunity via the internet. That to me says it all. A Christian giving the opportunity for some sexual hi-jinks.. Sounds like the lowest of police abuse one can do to another.

    Redemption comes by grace and the receiving of it and not by man’s distorted means’ and methods of dishonor. Hey believe it or not some are so intune with prison they can’t want to get back in prison as a safe haven. I don’t think prison’s are a safe haven but something always good comes out of something bad so we all press on.

    • September 10, 2021


      “ I need to see if you aren’t wanted, a registrant, terrorist, sovereign citizen, illegal, and other thing I can pull out of my hat; so I demand to know your screen name so I can run it. Later I’ll hit you up. Till then use your seat belt.”

      Gee things keep getting nutty. Yesterday I got a notice about how to keep your kids safe from predators on the way to school. I thought sex crimes were going to go through the roof due to Covid. That’s what Fox told me and I know how trusty foxes are around the hen house (news or facts).

      • September 10, 2021


        This probably all stemmed from a male officer pulling over a pretty female driver. The officer said “Hey let me get your twitter or something and I will just issue you a warning”. Then the girl posted on her facebook “Damn now the po po be tryin to get your twitter and shit”.

        Disclosure: When I was a cop, social media meant looking at books in the library.
        If you needed to make a call, you had to go to a payphone and put in a quarter.


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