Death of sex offender in Georgia State Prison suspicious

Charles Lee Broady was halfway into a three-year sentence for failure to register as a sex offender when he was found dead, hanging in his cell.

Next week, Broady was supposed to appear in Federal Court in a case he brought against the Georgia Department of Corrections after officers allowed gang members to attack him. The previous attacks had been so bad that, after one, his heart stopped and he had to be revived.

His family suspects foul play.

2 thoughts on “Death of sex offender in Georgia State Prison suspicious

  • December 11, 2017

    Suspects foul play?…he was scheduled for Federal court to address this very subject…I’m sure Georgia DOC officials involved will get rid of all the evidence against them and come up with a suicide excuse for this man’s death…

  • December 11, 2017

    Alas the DOC will never admit to any wrong doing. The CO’s have all coordinated their alibi’s and have closed ranks The code of silence is in full effect. Another homicide made to appear as a suicide. His family will never get the justice he or they deserve.


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