Sex scandals wreaking havoc on Florida politics

TALLAHASSEE — The Florida Democratic Party chairman resigned Friday in shame. A Republican state senator faces possible expulsion for sexual harassment. The state Senate’s top Democratic leader abruptly stepped down after admitting an extramarital affair with a lobbyist.

Even amid the flood of sexual misconduct revelations that have rocked state capitals across the country, the nation’s biggest swing state has lived up to its reputation for political drama and excess over the past month, with major implications for next year’s contested U.S. Senate and gubernatorial elections — and the next presidential race.

“Florida is on fire. And it’s not a controlled burn,” said John Morgan, a major Democratic donor, godfather to the state’s medical-marijuana initiative and wildcard possible candidate for governor.

“It was already insane here,” Morgan said. “It’s like Florida just can’t get out of its own way.”

The biggest shock to the system unfolded Friday when the state’s Democratic Party chair, Stephen Bittel, quit after POLITICO Florida reported numerous women and men complained he created an uncomfortable work environment for young women, from leering at them and trying to persuade them to fly on his private plane to using a stress-relieving squeeze-ball shaped like a naked breast.

Bittel’s resignation was a major blow to U.S. Sen. Bill Nelson — Florida’s only statewide elected Democrat – who spent political capital on his friend and longtime donor to become chair of the state party in a bitterly contested race this year. Also backing Bittel was U.S. Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz. The former national party chair had made Bittel a top party financier, having hosted President Obama and Vice President Biden at his home in the past.


9 thoughts on “Sex scandals wreaking havoc on Florida politics

  • November 20, 2017

    In California, more than 200 women involved in the political process — including lobbyists and lawmakers — signed a letter exposing what they called a “pervasive” culture of sexual harassment. The head of the California Senate has called for two independent investigations into the issue.

    In Kentucky, the House speaker resigned from his leadership post after it was revealed he had recently settled a sexual harassment case. The resignation came two years after another Kentucky lawmaker resigned from his seat amid sexual harassment allegations.

    In Illinois, a Democratic Senate caucus leader stepped down from his position last month after he was accused of sending late-night messages to, and asking personal questions of, a woman who was working with him on legislation.

    In Minnesota, the governor last week called on a state senator to step down amid allegations of making unwelcome sexual advances toward women.

    In Missouri, revelations about sexual misconduct related to interns in the statehouse led to the resignations of the House speaker and a state senator.

    In Tennessee, a state representative was expelled from his seat last year following a series of sexual harassment allegations. Another Tennessee lawmaker resigned this year after being accused of inappropriately touching a woman.

    • November 20, 2017

      Someone should really go deep inside Ron Books skeletal closet and search deep. That man is hiding something he has some deep vengeful aggression towards SO’s. A reporter should really interview the Nanny that is sitting in jail I bet she can sing like a Canary bird about the Book family. One day it will all come out !!!

      • November 20, 2017

        Does anyone know the Nanny’s name? All you have to do is find her name and prison she’s at online, then you can write her a letter and ask her yourself! If anyone can give me her name, hell, I’ll write her and ask her myself

      • November 20, 2017

        The only problem is that I don’t think Laurn Book is gonna tell!!

  • November 20, 2017

    Is it time for the establishment of a “Sexual Harassment” registry? We already have numerous politicians who qualify. And maybe we could establish a ‘1,000 foot’ rule that forbids anyone on that registry from going into any restaurant, grocery store, pharmacy, school, park, business, or place of entertainment where women are present. Sounds about as valid and illogical as any sex offender registry.

    • November 20, 2017

      noun: offender; plural noun: offenders

      a person who commits an illegal act.
      “an institution for juvenile offenders”
      synonyms: wrongdoer, criminal, lawbreaker, miscreant, malefactor, felon, delinquent, culprit, guilty party, outlaw, sinner, transgressor; malfeasant
      “my client is not the offender in this case”
      2. a person or thing that offends, does something wrong, or causes problems.
      “of atmospheric pollutants, the worst offender is sulfur dioxide”

  • November 20, 2017

    it’s about time that these politicians eat the same sh__ that us
    rso’o have too. let’s see how they react to the laws that they made.
    sad to say that every male over the age 12 could be on the national or state registry. maybe us citizens will open there eyes and see the
    truth. I know that we all make mistakes in our lives but what we are doing to better our lives that make us human. every day I have to prove
    my past does not control me.

    • November 20, 2017

      Well said about your/our past. How many of these so-called Christian politicians survive by trying to keep people living in their past? Do not be deceived. These politicians are not Christians. They are exactly what the Bible tells us a Christian should not be. At the well Jesus did not tell the woman caught in adultery she was forgiven and to then go and sin some more. No, he said she was forgiven and to go and sin no more. So many do-gooder politicians believe, or at least pretend to believe, that once a sin is committed that is it…the sinner will live in sin forever. That is the policy of the minions of Satan. As RSO’s we have an extra obligation to live a sinless life. So many are depending on us. It is an awesome responsibility. It is something we can rejoice in. It is so rewarding to prove the pundits wrong.

  • November 20, 2017

    For most, the only way for an RSO to get off the list in Florida is a pardon…that will NEVER happen with Rick Scott.


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