Contact Homeland Defense and ICE about Angel Watch process

With implementation of IML looming, many registrants and their family members are understandably concerned about the passport identifier and Angle Watch.  You deserve answers but I have not been able to get much direct information from the State Department or Immigration, Customs and enforcement.  So I encourage all to contact the offices below and demand answers.  Feel free to contact RTAG with information you receive.

US Dept of State, Office of Law Enforcement Liaison Division  202-485-6400/6500

Angel Watch office under Child Exploitation Unit, ICE Cyber Crimes Unit Center    703-293-8005 press 3

Paul Rigney – Registrant Travel Action Group, Inc


10 thoughts on “Contact Homeland Defense and ICE about Angel Watch process

  • November 12, 2017

    Buy travel insurance! Do not keep valuables or something a family member will need when travelling on you or in your bag. Expect all bags of party to be searched, valuables may be stolen. You will be seperated from your family and put on a plane back home. Courtesy of Angel Watch. It is truly roullette.

    I travelled all over the world until feb of 2015. This is when it started getting bad. No longer just VIP through customs and immigration.

  • November 12, 2017

    I think this is a bad idea. It show acceptance of this “law” and conformity to it by asking it’s parameters. I say we reject it and stand behind the constitution and legal entities to represent us in this constitutional fight.

    I would hate to think how many registered citizens will be violated for using some email account not reported to the thought police. I also would not anymore contact with the very people who we are being abused by only to give them yet more information.

    Sorry but these are new days where a digital trail can never be covered and hidden. Nothing good can come of this.

    Besides do you really think you will get any concrete answers or even a reply for that matter – this is the government we are talking about!


    • November 12, 2017

      Or you could make sure they are always doing their “jobs.”. It’s one thing to walk into court and claim injury, it’s a whole nother to be able to show injury.

      I know at least in Texas that probationers are sent back and forth to Mexico without being notified of their Angel Watch obligation regularly.

      Any of us who wish to travel should fully comply. Ask for instructions in writing, ask for supervisors until you’re satisfied. And when you get sent packing, or when all these Mexican Americans get stopped from visiting their families across the border, Angel Watch will be stuck either hiring more agents ($$) or simply not being able to process requests in a timely manner. Either way, you and your family then have a valid injury to present in court.

      The way forward to rescinding these laws is for our friends and family (read “people”) to have tangible complaints, because they still vote.

      Too often probation departments and police departments make exceptions for us which we hungrily gobble up. But you can’t complain about a law nobody follows 25% of the time… We need to make it 100% so the legislature can feel what they’ve ordered.

      Wheels don’t squeak unless they turn.

  • November 12, 2017

    They don’t have the answers. There are none. It’s a rdiculous law.

    • November 14, 2017

      You are correct. There are none and the ones that they have are so opened that they can be interpreted a dozen different way and NEVER for the benefit of the register citizen!

      Anyone who thinks differently is still deep in denial that they will ever get a fair shake when the system is flawed from the very beginning and thus everything else that follows is equally and in most cases more broken.

      The ONLY solution is to scrap it all. That is why trying to work within a broken system is doomed to failure. It must be attacked at the very base…the registry itself.

  • November 13, 2017

    This all came about within a Human Trafficking Bill. They snuck in the Identifer crap. Most foreign countries don’t care about how USA is persecuting their own citizens. They are worried about ISIS much more. Imigration and Homeland Security coming home will give you more trouble than when you are departing. NO country has outlawed a RSO from entry. Ignor the panic.. JEV

  • November 13, 2017

    So you think it is a bad idea to get facts on a law that may affect your life? Court cases and challenges can go through whether we have the facts or not. You deserve clarification. I would think that would be much better than taking your chances!

  • November 13, 2017

    Although my natural instinct is to give this unjust unconstitutional system the finger evey chance I get I also realize that it’s not just about me my family. Is involved as well as the other 900k plus of us that make up this club that none of us want to be a member of. I refuse to give the Ron Books of the world any ammunition to say “See I told you they can’t change” so compliance is key while using their own system against them. Win over hearts and minds win the war.

    • November 15, 2017

      I think we should flood them with questions even dumb ones and remind them we are not so bad that the government won’t take our tax dollars to pay their salaries and fund this crap

  • November 13, 2017

    I’m not sure I could call them without telling them about themselves….wish I could, but realistically I am so fed up with the BS that I’d probably lose my s**t. And that would makes us all look bad.


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